Argumentative Paper On The Topic Does Social Media Hinder Or Enhance Relationships
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Huey Newton, Co-Founder of Black Panther Party
Huey Newton, Co-Founder of Black Panther Party Huey Newton was an African American political activist who co-founded the Black Panther Party in 1966. When Newton was convicted for the fatal shooting of a police officer, his imprisonment became a common cause among activists in the United States. The slogan Free Huey appeared on banners and buttons at protests across the country. He was later released after two re-trials resulted in hung juries. Fast Facts: Huey Newton Known For: Co-founder of the Black Panther Party for Self DefenseBorn: February 17, 1942 in Monroe, LouisianaDied: August 23, 1989 in Oakland, CaliforniaEducation: Merritt College (A.A.), University of California at Santa Cruz (B.A., Ph.D.), Oakland City College (law classes, no degree), San Francisco Law School (law classes, no degree)Notable Quote: Political power comes through the barrel of a gun. Early Life and Education Huey P. Newton was born in Monroe, Louisiana, on February 17, 1942. He was named after Huey P. Long, the former governor of Louisiana who became notorious as a radical populist in the early 1930s. In 1945, Newtons family moved to California, drawn by the job opportunities that arose in the Bay Area as a result of the wartime industrial boom. They struggled financially and moved around often throughout Newtons life. He completed high school- which he later described as an experience that nearly killed [his] urge to inquire- without being able to read (he later taught himself). After high school, he earned an A.A. degree from Merritt College and took law school classes at Oakland City College. Starting in his teen years and continuing through college, Newton was arrested for crimes like mostly petty crimes such as vandalism and burglary. In 1965, when he was 22 years old, Newton was arrested and convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to six months in jail. Most of his sentence was served in solitary confinement. Founding the Black Panther Party During his time at Oakland City College, Newton joined the Afro-American Association, which inspired him to become politically and socially conscious. He later said that his Oakland public education had made him feel ashamed of being black, but that his shame began to transform into pride once he encountered black activists. He also began reading radical activist literature, including works by Che Guevara and Malcolm X. Newton soon realized that there were few organizations advocating for lower class African Americans in Oakland. In October 1966, he joined up with Bobby Seale to form a new group, which they called the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. The organization was focused on fighting police brutality in Oakland and San Francisco. With Seale as chairman and Newton as minister of defense, the Black Panthers quickly assembled a membership and began patrolling Oakland neighborhoods. When police were spotted interacting with black citizens, the Panthers would approach and inform the civilians of their constitutional rights. Newton took part in such actions, sometimes while brandishing a law book. The organization adopted a uniform of black leather jackets, black berets, and sunglasses. This distinct uniform, as well as their prominent display of guns and bandoliers of shotgun shells, made the Black Panthers highly noticeable. By the spring of 1967, stories about Newton and the Black Panthers began appearing in major publications. Guns and Political Power The Black Panthers encouraged black citizens of Oakland to begin carrying firearms, citing their Constitutional right under the Second Amendment, and tensions between police and the Black Panthers continued to grow. An article published in the New York Times on May 3, 1967 described an incident in which Newton, Seale, and about 30 other Black Panthers strode into the California capitol in Sacramento with their weapons prominently displayed. The story was headlined Armed Negroes Protest Gun Bill. The Black Panthers had arrived in dramatic fashion to voice their opposition to a proposed law against carrying firearms. It seemed the law had been drafted specifically to curtail their activities. Weeks later, in another article in the New York Times, Newton was described as being surrounded by armed followers in an apartment in San Franciscos Haight-Ashbury neighborhood. Newton was quoted as saying, Political power comes through the barrel of a gun. Arrest and Conviction About a year after the Black Panthers first rose to prominence, Newton became entangled in a high-profile legal case. The case centered around the death of John Frey, who died after pulling over Huey Newton and a friend for a traffic stop. Newton was arrested at the scene. In September 1968, he was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and received a sentence of two to 15 years in prison. Newtons incarceration became a major cause among young radicals and activists. Free Huey buttons and banners could be seen at protests and anti-war rallies nationwide, and rallies for Newtons release were held in numerous American cities. At the time, police actions against Black Panthers in other cities made headlines. In May 1970, Newton was granted a new trial. After two trials were held and both resulted in hung juries, the case was dropped and Newton was released. The specific events, as well as Newtons potential culpability, surrounding John Freys death remain uncertain. Later Life Following his release from prison in 1970, Newton resumed leadership of the Black Panthers and began studying at the University of California at Santa Cruz, where he earned a B.A. in 1974. After a period of relative quiet, Newton was charged with the murder of a teenage sex worker named Kathleen Smith. He was also arrested for assaulting his tailor. Newton fled to Cuba, where he lived in exile for three years. In 1977, Newton returned to California, asserting that the political climate in the United States had changed enough that he could receive a fair trial. After juries were deadlocked, Newton was acquitted of the murder of Kathleen Smith. He returned to the Black Panther organization, and also returned to college. In 1980, he received a Ph.D. from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He wrote a thesis about the repression of the Black Panthers. Death and Legacy In the 1980s, Newton grappled with drug addiction and alcohol abuse. He remained involved with neighborhood programs pioneered by the Black Panthers. However, in 1985, he was arrested for embezzling funds. He was later arrested on a weapons charge, and was also suspected of being involved in the drug trade. In the early hours of August 23, 1989, Newton was shot and killed on a street in Oakland, California. His killing was reported on the front page of the New York Times. Tyrone Robinson confessed to the murder, and it was concluded that the killing was connected to Newtons significant debt caused by his cocaine addiction. Today, Newtons legacy is one of leadership within the Black Panther Party, as well as his controversial convictions and allegations of violence. Sources Nagel, Rob. Newton, Huey 1942–1989. Contemporary Black Biography, edited by Barbara Carlisle Bigelow, vol. 2, Gale, 1992, pp. 177-180. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Huey P. Newton. Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed., vol. 11, Gale, 2004, pp. 367-369. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Spencer, Robyn. Newton, Huey P. Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History, edited by Colin A. Palmer, 2nd ed., vol. 4, Macmillan Reference USA, 2006, pp. 1649-1651. Gale Virtual Reference Library.Associated Press. Huey Newton Killed; Was a Co-Founder Of Black Panthers. New York Times, 23 August 1989, p. A1.Buursma, Bruce. Newton Slain In Drug Dispute, Police Say. Chicago Tribune, 27 August 1989.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How to Use and Where to Find a Helpful and Simple IEEE Format Example
How to Use and Where to Find a Helpful and Simple IEEE Format Example Students who choose computer science classes should be familiar with the IEEE reference style and format their assigned paper accordingly. You need to master it, no matter if you study programming, information technologies, web communication, computer science, management, or similar disciplines. Find a good IEEE format example to make things easier. It will provide you with useful information and a list of helpful suggestions and guidelines to write your next text correctly. What is the IEEE format? This question is often asked by confused students who need some guides. The IEEE is a professional organization that supports different IT and engineering fields, and it has established its own writing manual to let both professionals and students in relevant areas organize their references and writing works. Read this important journal to get a clearer idea of basic rules. Check out a brilliant IEEE format example to understand that this style consists of two crucial elements: References; In-text direct and indirect citations. What are in-text citations? They are brief quotes taken from both secondary and primary sources, and you need to number them in square brackets. Each number identifies a complete citation listed in your bibliography or works cited list, but many students call such citations references. A list of references is in their numerical order. The IEEE manual is lengthy and complex, and that’s why you should read this brief guide because it will help you save time in the end. ORDER PAPER IN IEEE FORMAT How to cite in the IEEE format? Each reference must have its corresponding IEEE citation in the main body of your research paper or academic essay. What is the difference between indirect and direct in-text citations? The main difference is that direct citations duplicate original quotes, while the indirect ones are the same ideas paraphrased by you. Each time you want to add a citation, insert a specific number within square brackets to help readers find complete references on your reference page. Make sure that it’s a separate section of your assignment. A complete IEEE format reference contains the information necessary to help other people find more details about your discussed subject with ease, including: Publication places and dates; Full titles; Authors’ initials and surnames; Some smaller details, such as page numbers or volumes. Corresponding numbers should show up before every reference. How to create IEEE citations? In-text citations shouldn’t necessarily contain such details as quotes pages, authors’ names, or publication dates, and you can mention sources using special numbers in a bracket line. It must match a complete citation in your bibliography. Insert in-text citations to back up major arguments in the main body (before any punctuation and with a space before opening brackets). Number all sources in the order you mention them. After referencing and assigning numbers to them, feel free to use the same corresponding numbers each time you need to quote these sources in your paper. If you cite many sources simultaneously, apply the best approach and provide every number separately (in brackets and use dashes or commas between numbers). Most experts apply the same formatting approach. How to write your reference page? Based on IEEE formatting requirements, a page that contains your full bibliography is called a reference list or page, and you need to put in at the end of your writing project. The basic goal that it serves is to provide full citations for each source that you use to describe in-text citations. Add all references in their numerical sequence. Don’t forget to include their bracketed numbers at the beginning. Follow these simple rules: Word "References" is the title of this page (you can either align it left at the top or put it in the center); Use a hanging indent for each reference with numbers in brackets to identify the right numerical order; The titles of your cited sources, including magazines, newspapers, articles, or others, should be in quotation marks; The titles of all works should be in italics; List surnames and initials as authors’ names. PLACE YOUR ORDER HERE Where to find excellent examples? The IEEE updates its writing manual on a regular basis. You should visit its official website to know all the changes made to such vital format elements as: Footnotes; Abbreviations; Punctuation; Section headings; Biographies; Tags Equations and numbers; Capitalization. How to style and cite references? There are some basic rules that remain the same, regardless of new editions, and they concern: Direct quotes; Findings, data, tables, and graphics. Place a text from your sources in quotation marks. Add quotations to original sources, summarize or rewrite them, and come up with citations when making a summary of or restating data from them, including claims, ideas, verdicts, and research. Cite your original sources when adapting, referring to, and taking any information from them to format your academic paper successfully and earn high grades. Why is citing essential for your academic performance? Some students don’t gain the point of citing. It’s an important element of academic writing for different reasons: Plagiarism is a big problem, and incorrect citing equals to it; Formatting plays a huge role in final grades; Full references help readers to conduct their research and learn more about specific problems; It’s unethical to steal the words of other authors. You shouldn’t count on your good marks if you fail to cite your sources of information based on IEEE formatting rules. What if you need expert help? Turn to our team of qualified and experienced writers because they will help you format all papers and do other things for you.
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