Argumentative Paper On The Topic Does Social Media Hinder Or Enhance Relationships
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Health Promotion - 1606 Words
The aim of this case based study, is to Promote Health and behaviour changes within the work place, in order to sustain a healthier life style. This essay seeks to illustrate the impact of smoking on a patient that has CHD, (Coronary Heart Disease) and explore the psychological approach to altering the patients perceptions of health promotion, and interventions that are used to facilitate a better quality of health. The author will also examine public health legislation on current health and social care provisions, and evaluate the role of models of health within diverse promotions in practice. There are numerous definitions of the word health, and health promotion, which can be defined by the (WHO) world health organisation (1984)†¦show more content†¦There are also general socio-economic, cultural, and environmental conditions to be considered when taking a holistic approach to health promotion, since having only met this patient, it would be incorrect to fit him into a one patient fits all category, not being aware of his personal, social, and physical environment to which he lives within. This would be defined as making a professional judgement and a normative need, which could differ from those of the patient’s perception of needs. This essay will revolve around Mr H, A 68- year- old retired gentleman, who presented on the unit with shortness of breath from this general practitioner for further tests. He was clearly struggling to breathe and maintain his oxygen levels within his body. On admission and taking his history, it was obvious that Mr H was clearly overweight at 112 kg, and further more was a smoker of approximately 40 cigarettes a day, for the past 40 yrs and was a regular drinker of 5 pints of alcohol a night, whats more he also suffered from CHD, so had to give upShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion Model3693 Words  | 15 PagesBreathe Easy: A Health Promotion Model O n Asthma Management In School Age (7-11 Year Old) Children Introduction Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (from WHO, 1946, in Park, 2005) and Health Promotion has been defined as an enterprise involving the development over time, in individuals and communities, of basic and positive states of and conditions for physical, mental and social health (Raeburn and Rootman, 1998Read MoreEssay on Health Promotion Teaching Plan1307 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Health Promotion Teaching Plan Anita Moore Jacksonville University School of Nursing June 17, 2012 Health Promotion Teaching Plan My emphasis in this assignment is to develop, implement, and assess a teaching plan concentrated on good nutrition and daily exercise for school age children. 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ThisRead MoreHealth Promotion3162 Words  | 13 Pageswill demonstrate knowledge of health promotion and its link in addressing health needs. The role of the nurse in delivering health promotion at primary, secondary and tertiary levels will be discussed and how national policy influences that delivery on the chosen topic of smoking. Barriers to health promotion will also be discussed and how these barriers could be overcome. To define health promotion, health should first be defined. There are many definitions of health, one of which is the WesternRead MoreHealth Promotion1025 Words  | 5 PagesLevels of Health Promotion Health promotion is essential in keeping society and individuals healthy. Health promotion empowers communities and individuals for healthy living through education. The primary goal of health promotion is prevention. Nurses are key in health promotion and will be seen in diverse settings as health promotion evolves the nursing profession. There are three levels to health promotion that are utilized to optimize health. Definition of Health Promotion The World OrganizationRead MoreHealth Promotion1008 Words  | 5 PagesLevels of Health Promotion Health promotion is essential in keeping society and individuals healthy. Health promotion empowers communities and individuals for healthy living through education. The primary goal of health promotion is prevention. Nurses are key in health promotion and will be seen in diverse settings as health promotion evolves the nursing profession. There are three levels to health promotion that are utilized to optimize health. Definition of Health Promotion The World OrganizationRead MoreHealth Promotion793 Words  | 4 Pagesnow shifted to health promotion. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as the â€Å"process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.†Health promotion focuses on changes to a community as well as an individuals health by modifying their behaviors to strive for optimal health, which The American Journal of Health Promotion defines as beingRead MoreHealth Promotion975 Words  | 4 PagesHealth Promotion Health promotion is defined as the provision of information and/or education to individuals, families and communities that encourage family unity, community commitment, and traditional spiritually that makes positive contributions to their health status (Definition of wellness.Com). It is our job as providers to promote health by any means necessary to improve community wellness. The purpose of health promotion in nursing practice is to deliver health information to individuals
Monday, December 16, 2019
Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission Free Essays
This paper entitled â€Å"Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission†intends to compare and contrast nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. It aims to provide the definition of nuclear fusion and immediately describe nuclear fission as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission or any similar topic only for you Order Now It also plans to briefly discuss how it occurs and what is necessitated for the nuclear fusion and nuclear fission to occur. Finally, it aspires to mention the advantages that nuclear fusion and nuclear fission may bring in later. Definition Nuclear fusion is technically defined as â€Å"the occurrence where two atomic nuclei amalgamate†(Wikipedia n.p.). Such joining occurs in all the stars, of course, including the Sun (Wikipedia n.p.). If it does not happen then we will not experience warmth and we will forever be in the dark (Wikipedia n.p.). On the other hand, nuclear fission is technically defined as â€Å"the course of action of breaking up atoms†(Wikipedia n.p.). If such an action is quite difficult to understand, try to imagine countless balls on the floor, cluttered, however, appearing to form a circle, if an individual throws in another ball, surely, the aforementioned circle will become more disorderly and will soar in all directions (Wikipedia n.p.). The circle is actually a representation of the nucleus and the ball thrown by the individual is considered as the â€Å"neutron bullet†(Wikipedia n.p.). Requirement for its Occurrence Furthermore, for a nuclear fusion to take place, exceptionally high energies are considered necessary to combine the nuclei collectively (Wikipedia n.p.). This is very much necessitated to prevail over the coulomb barrier involving two nuclei which are positively charged (Wikipedia n.p.). This will enable extreme closeness that will produce a physically powerful nuclear force that will connect or fasten or join the nuclei (Wikipedia n.p.). In stars, nuclear fusion happens without difficulty because there is the existence of elevated density and high temperature (Wikipedia n.p.). In fact, it has a range or approximately 10-15 meters (Wikipedia n.p.). On the other hand, for a nuclear fission to take place, we will need a neutron to trigger the aforementioned (Wikipedia n.p.). It is very important that a ball or a neutron bullet and not another kind be thrown at the circle or the atomic nucleus (Wikipedia n.p.). This is simply because if otherwise, the ball would not reach the target at all since the nucleus is positively charged just like the ball (Wikipedia n.p.). What will happen then is that they nucleus and the ball will repel each other (Wikipedia n.p.). That’s why, again, only a neutron will not get repelled and so it contributes largely to the possibility of a nuclear fission to take place (Wikipedia n.p.). Advantages Moreover, in terms of advantages, in nuclear fusion, the amount of fusion that can occur is actually unlimited (Wikipedia n.p.). In addition to that, source of fuel is immeasurable and inexhaustible because of the Deuterium that comes from the seas (Wikipedia n.p.). Furthermore, in nuclear fusion, we don’t have to worry too much about reactor accidents that may take place because of the fact that a very small amount of fuel is involved in it (Wikipedia n.p.). Also, it produces inexpensive fuel (Wikipedia n.p.). It also produces electricity safely (Wikipedia n.p.). The reactor materials involved, as well as, the unburned fuel may possibly be recycled as well (Wikipedia n.p.). Yet another very essential advantage is the absence of greenhouse effect (Wikipedia n.p.). Last but not least, in nuclear fusion, the waste products coming from it are much less radioactive, thus easier to manage (Wikipedia n.p.). On the other hand, in nuclear fission, the amount of fission that may occur is limited (Wikipedia n.p.). In addition to that, in nuclear fission, the waste products are much more radioactive, thus more difficult to take care of (Wikipedia n.p.). References Wikipedia. Nuclear Fusion. 21 April 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 April 2007         How to cite Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Management of Kitchen Best and Recommendations- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theManagement Issues of Kitchen Best and Recommendations. Answer: Introduction A business organisation follows a code of principles for the smooth functioning of the organisation. The code of principles is called business ethics. The business ethics highlight the duties and responsibilities of the individual employee and management of the organisation to follow so that no corruption unethical activities are conducted ( Goo Loo, 2011). The serious incidents that occurred in the Kitchen Best have made Henry Clan to realise that the expansion policy will not be effective without a systematic style of management. The business ethics have to be followed and the organisation should also know that the rules that are to be followed by the organisation. The offerings and accepting kickbacks have to be avoided by the organisation. Findings The major issues that Kitchen Best Appliance co. Ltd has faced show that the personal gains have been made by the employees of the organisation. The instances of the misconduct of the employees show that internal control mechanisms are not functioning properly and Henry has to take stringent actions in order to ensure that no such actions are committed by an employee of the organisation in the future(, 2012). Shago incident Kitchen Best was given production order for the anniversary collection appliances of Shago. A special gift set of microwavable tableware was given with some of these appliances. Kitchen Best was asked by Shago to source these gifts and also to package these items together with the appliance. The complaint was made by the customers that the bowls and plates given to them were not microwavable. Shago demanded compensation from Kitchen Best for the breach of the conduct. The fault was made by Sze, the purchasing and production manager of Kitchen Best who awarded the contract to his brother-in-law. In return, he was given free package tour to Europe. Wei ignored the fact and kept silent for the personal relationship of Sze with the factory owner. Sze told that he would manage the issues and he did not take any remedial action( Goo Loo, 2011). Issues related to the testing and certification Henry received a letter related to the failure in meeting the safety requirements of the company. Henry found that Qinghua made a deal withKeemark,the team leader of the testing team, to pass the test. He deposited bribe money in the bank account of the wife of team leader. The issue was not made public by Henry as he did not want to lose the customers. Kitchen Best did not have any guidelines for the expenditure made for winning and dining offered to suppliers and customers. Ma was preparing fake invoices which were booked as the expenses for entertainment. Chan avoided such practices as Ma was instrumental in generating the new business relationship. Due to own cultural barriers, Ma was given the chance. Analysis As per the law of Hong Kong Cap 201 about the prevention of bribery ordinance, no employees can accept the bribe. Section 9 ( 12) of the law states that no employee of the private sector can neither accept the bribenor offer thebribeto any employee of theprivatesector.( Goo Loo, 2011). Section 9(3) states that the employees cannot use false documents for getting benefits. Article 387 of the criminal law of the peoples republic of China talks about the acceptance of the bribe. The article states that the employee or the organisation cannot offer the bribe or involve in the illegal activities. Article 393 states that any company cannot offer the bribe to get illegitimate benefits. Article 163 states that the employee of a company cannot take any advantage of his or her position. The law strictly states that no person can demand benefits for the service he or she provides. Article 164 states that offering the bribe to any person for seeking illegal profits are not allowed as per the law. Article 229(1) and 229 (2) state that the individual cannot show false testimony ( Goo Loo, 2011). The incidents which occurred in Kitchen Best show that they are violating the laws of both the lands of Hong Kong and China. The employees have not followed the individual ethics and they do not follow the business ethics as well. These incidents show that there has been a breach of conduct and the management has failed to steer people in the correct direction(, 2017). Recommendations The organisation should communicate the law to all the stakeholders of it(Heskett, 2011). The employees should be intimated that they cannot solicit or accept any benefits for his or her work without the prior permission of the owner. The business organisation should also communicate to other related organisation that prior permission of the owner is required to offer any bribe or advantage to the employee of the private sector. Under the act of PBO, use of forged documents to cheat the authority is a crime. The law of China states that the employee should not follow the illegal advice of the intermediaries. The employees should be communicated that on the Mainland it is an offence to bribe an employee of a company. Conclusion The report finds that therehavebeen misconducts in the organisation. The leader of the organisation should establish business ethics and the employees are required to be trained about the governance policies. The management should see that the employees of Kitchen Best follow the rules and regulations of the company. Bibliography Goo, S., Loo, G. (2011, 06 21). Kitchen Best: Ethics When Doing Cross-Boundary Business in Southern China. Retrieved from (2017). ETHICAL ORIENTATION AND PERSONAL BENEFIT IN INSIDER ... Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2012). Case Study. Retrieved from (2011, 05 06). Business Ethics: CQR. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from Heskett, J. (2011, 05 05). How Ethical Can We Be? - HBS Working Knowledge - Harvard ... Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2014, 06 18). ethics, governance and sustainability - ICSI. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2010, 02 16). ethics, governance and sustainability sustainability - ICSI. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2017). Youth Risk/Need Assessment: An Overview of Issues and Practices. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from
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