Argumentative Paper On The Topic Does Social Media Hinder Or Enhance Relationships
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Health Promotion - 1606 Words
The aim of this case based study, is to Promote Health and behaviour changes within the work place, in order to sustain a healthier life style. This essay seeks to illustrate the impact of smoking on a patient that has CHD, (Coronary Heart Disease) and explore the psychological approach to altering the patients perceptions of health promotion, and interventions that are used to facilitate a better quality of health. The author will also examine public health legislation on current health and social care provisions, and evaluate the role of models of health within diverse promotions in practice. There are numerous definitions of the word health, and health promotion, which can be defined by the (WHO) world health organisation (1984)†¦show more content†¦There are also general socio-economic, cultural, and environmental conditions to be considered when taking a holistic approach to health promotion, since having only met this patient, it would be incorrect to fit him into a one patient fits all category, not being aware of his personal, social, and physical environment to which he lives within. This would be defined as making a professional judgement and a normative need, which could differ from those of the patient’s perception of needs. This essay will revolve around Mr H, A 68- year- old retired gentleman, who presented on the unit with shortness of breath from this general practitioner for further tests. He was clearly struggling to breathe and maintain his oxygen levels within his body. On admission and taking his history, it was obvious that Mr H was clearly overweight at 112 kg, and further more was a smoker of approximately 40 cigarettes a day, for the past 40 yrs and was a regular drinker of 5 pints of alcohol a night, whats more he also suffered from CHD, so had to give upShow MoreRelatedHealth Promotion Model3693 Words  | 15 PagesBreathe Easy: A Health Promotion Model O n Asthma Management In School Age (7-11 Year Old) Children Introduction Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (from WHO, 1946, in Park, 2005) and Health Promotion has been defined as an enterprise involving the development over time, in individuals and communities, of basic and positive states of and conditions for physical, mental and social health (Raeburn and Rootman, 1998Read MoreEssay on Health Promotion Teaching Plan1307 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Health Promotion Teaching Plan Anita Moore Jacksonville University School of Nursing June 17, 2012 Health Promotion Teaching Plan My emphasis in this assignment is to develop, implement, and assess a teaching plan concentrated on good nutrition and daily exercise for school age children. The early years are a critical time for founding good eating habits and attitude about food and exercise. Children who areRead MoreRole of the Nurse in Health Promotion Essay2161 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction Health promotion includes providing activities that improve a person’s health. These activities assist patients to â€Å"maintain or enhance their present levels of health. Health promotion activities motivate people to act positively to reach more stable levels of health†(Potter Perry, 2005, p. 97). In order for nurses to assist patients in obtaining healthy lifestyles, they must first assess a patient’s perception of health. The World Health Organization defines health as a â€Å"state ofRead MoreHealth Promotion Model And Theories Of Social Cognitive Theory Essay728 Words  | 3 PagesHealth Promotion Model and Theories Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief Model, and Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change are the three models I chose to discuss. An electronic database searched was completed. Three articles were chosen to summarize and discuss each of the above models. Social Cognitive Theory The article by Son et al. (2011) studies the effect of social cognitive factors among middle-aged and older adults’ leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) participation. The socialRead MoreTheories of Health Promotion2264 Words  | 10 Pagesof Health Promotion The following essay is a comparative analysis of two theories of health promotion, one which is a theory of and the other a theory for health promotion. Beattie’s model will be used as theory of and transtheoritical stages of change model as a theory for health promotion. An example from area of work practice will be used to demonstrate the differing aspects emphasised by each Theory. Furthermore the essay will seek to suggest an explanation of current health promotion. ThisRead MoreHealth Promotion3162 Words  | 13 Pageswill demonstrate knowledge of health promotion and its link in addressing health needs. The role of the nurse in delivering health promotion at primary, secondary and tertiary levels will be discussed and how national policy influences that delivery on the chosen topic of smoking. Barriers to health promotion will also be discussed and how these barriers could be overcome. To define health promotion, health should first be defined. There are many definitions of health, one of which is the WesternRead MoreHealth Promotion1025 Words  | 5 PagesLevels of Health Promotion Health promotion is essential in keeping society and individuals healthy. Health promotion empowers communities and individuals for healthy living through education. The primary goal of health promotion is prevention. Nurses are key in health promotion and will be seen in diverse settings as health promotion evolves the nursing profession. There are three levels to health promotion that are utilized to optimize health. Definition of Health Promotion The World OrganizationRead MoreHealth Promotion1008 Words  | 5 PagesLevels of Health Promotion Health promotion is essential in keeping society and individuals healthy. Health promotion empowers communities and individuals for healthy living through education. The primary goal of health promotion is prevention. Nurses are key in health promotion and will be seen in diverse settings as health promotion evolves the nursing profession. There are three levels to health promotion that are utilized to optimize health. Definition of Health Promotion The World OrganizationRead MoreHealth Promotion793 Words  | 4 Pagesnow shifted to health promotion. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as the â€Å"process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.†Health promotion focuses on changes to a community as well as an individuals health by modifying their behaviors to strive for optimal health, which The American Journal of Health Promotion defines as beingRead MoreHealth Promotion975 Words  | 4 PagesHealth Promotion Health promotion is defined as the provision of information and/or education to individuals, families and communities that encourage family unity, community commitment, and traditional spiritually that makes positive contributions to their health status (Definition of wellness.Com). It is our job as providers to promote health by any means necessary to improve community wellness. The purpose of health promotion in nursing practice is to deliver health information to individuals
Monday, December 16, 2019
Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission Free Essays
This paper entitled â€Å"Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission†intends to compare and contrast nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. It aims to provide the definition of nuclear fusion and immediately describe nuclear fission as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission or any similar topic only for you Order Now It also plans to briefly discuss how it occurs and what is necessitated for the nuclear fusion and nuclear fission to occur. Finally, it aspires to mention the advantages that nuclear fusion and nuclear fission may bring in later. Definition Nuclear fusion is technically defined as â€Å"the occurrence where two atomic nuclei amalgamate†(Wikipedia n.p.). Such joining occurs in all the stars, of course, including the Sun (Wikipedia n.p.). If it does not happen then we will not experience warmth and we will forever be in the dark (Wikipedia n.p.). On the other hand, nuclear fission is technically defined as â€Å"the course of action of breaking up atoms†(Wikipedia n.p.). If such an action is quite difficult to understand, try to imagine countless balls on the floor, cluttered, however, appearing to form a circle, if an individual throws in another ball, surely, the aforementioned circle will become more disorderly and will soar in all directions (Wikipedia n.p.). The circle is actually a representation of the nucleus and the ball thrown by the individual is considered as the â€Å"neutron bullet†(Wikipedia n.p.). Requirement for its Occurrence Furthermore, for a nuclear fusion to take place, exceptionally high energies are considered necessary to combine the nuclei collectively (Wikipedia n.p.). This is very much necessitated to prevail over the coulomb barrier involving two nuclei which are positively charged (Wikipedia n.p.). This will enable extreme closeness that will produce a physically powerful nuclear force that will connect or fasten or join the nuclei (Wikipedia n.p.). In stars, nuclear fusion happens without difficulty because there is the existence of elevated density and high temperature (Wikipedia n.p.). In fact, it has a range or approximately 10-15 meters (Wikipedia n.p.). On the other hand, for a nuclear fission to take place, we will need a neutron to trigger the aforementioned (Wikipedia n.p.). It is very important that a ball or a neutron bullet and not another kind be thrown at the circle or the atomic nucleus (Wikipedia n.p.). This is simply because if otherwise, the ball would not reach the target at all since the nucleus is positively charged just like the ball (Wikipedia n.p.). What will happen then is that they nucleus and the ball will repel each other (Wikipedia n.p.). That’s why, again, only a neutron will not get repelled and so it contributes largely to the possibility of a nuclear fission to take place (Wikipedia n.p.). Advantages Moreover, in terms of advantages, in nuclear fusion, the amount of fusion that can occur is actually unlimited (Wikipedia n.p.). In addition to that, source of fuel is immeasurable and inexhaustible because of the Deuterium that comes from the seas (Wikipedia n.p.). Furthermore, in nuclear fusion, we don’t have to worry too much about reactor accidents that may take place because of the fact that a very small amount of fuel is involved in it (Wikipedia n.p.). Also, it produces inexpensive fuel (Wikipedia n.p.). It also produces electricity safely (Wikipedia n.p.). The reactor materials involved, as well as, the unburned fuel may possibly be recycled as well (Wikipedia n.p.). Yet another very essential advantage is the absence of greenhouse effect (Wikipedia n.p.). Last but not least, in nuclear fusion, the waste products coming from it are much less radioactive, thus easier to manage (Wikipedia n.p.). On the other hand, in nuclear fission, the amount of fission that may occur is limited (Wikipedia n.p.). In addition to that, in nuclear fission, the waste products are much more radioactive, thus more difficult to take care of (Wikipedia n.p.). References Wikipedia. Nuclear Fusion. 21 April 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 April 2007         How to cite Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Management of Kitchen Best and Recommendations- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theManagement Issues of Kitchen Best and Recommendations. Answer: Introduction A business organisation follows a code of principles for the smooth functioning of the organisation. The code of principles is called business ethics. The business ethics highlight the duties and responsibilities of the individual employee and management of the organisation to follow so that no corruption unethical activities are conducted ( Goo Loo, 2011). The serious incidents that occurred in the Kitchen Best have made Henry Clan to realise that the expansion policy will not be effective without a systematic style of management. The business ethics have to be followed and the organisation should also know that the rules that are to be followed by the organisation. The offerings and accepting kickbacks have to be avoided by the organisation. Findings The major issues that Kitchen Best Appliance co. Ltd has faced show that the personal gains have been made by the employees of the organisation. The instances of the misconduct of the employees show that internal control mechanisms are not functioning properly and Henry has to take stringent actions in order to ensure that no such actions are committed by an employee of the organisation in the future(, 2012). Shago incident Kitchen Best was given production order for the anniversary collection appliances of Shago. A special gift set of microwavable tableware was given with some of these appliances. Kitchen Best was asked by Shago to source these gifts and also to package these items together with the appliance. The complaint was made by the customers that the bowls and plates given to them were not microwavable. Shago demanded compensation from Kitchen Best for the breach of the conduct. The fault was made by Sze, the purchasing and production manager of Kitchen Best who awarded the contract to his brother-in-law. In return, he was given free package tour to Europe. Wei ignored the fact and kept silent for the personal relationship of Sze with the factory owner. Sze told that he would manage the issues and he did not take any remedial action( Goo Loo, 2011). Issues related to the testing and certification Henry received a letter related to the failure in meeting the safety requirements of the company. Henry found that Qinghua made a deal withKeemark,the team leader of the testing team, to pass the test. He deposited bribe money in the bank account of the wife of team leader. The issue was not made public by Henry as he did not want to lose the customers. Kitchen Best did not have any guidelines for the expenditure made for winning and dining offered to suppliers and customers. Ma was preparing fake invoices which were booked as the expenses for entertainment. Chan avoided such practices as Ma was instrumental in generating the new business relationship. Due to own cultural barriers, Ma was given the chance. Analysis As per the law of Hong Kong Cap 201 about the prevention of bribery ordinance, no employees can accept the bribe. Section 9 ( 12) of the law states that no employee of the private sector can neither accept the bribenor offer thebribeto any employee of theprivatesector.( Goo Loo, 2011). Section 9(3) states that the employees cannot use false documents for getting benefits. Article 387 of the criminal law of the peoples republic of China talks about the acceptance of the bribe. The article states that the employee or the organisation cannot offer the bribe or involve in the illegal activities. Article 393 states that any company cannot offer the bribe to get illegitimate benefits. Article 163 states that the employee of a company cannot take any advantage of his or her position. The law strictly states that no person can demand benefits for the service he or she provides. Article 164 states that offering the bribe to any person for seeking illegal profits are not allowed as per the law. Article 229(1) and 229 (2) state that the individual cannot show false testimony ( Goo Loo, 2011). The incidents which occurred in Kitchen Best show that they are violating the laws of both the lands of Hong Kong and China. The employees have not followed the individual ethics and they do not follow the business ethics as well. These incidents show that there has been a breach of conduct and the management has failed to steer people in the correct direction(, 2017). Recommendations The organisation should communicate the law to all the stakeholders of it(Heskett, 2011). The employees should be intimated that they cannot solicit or accept any benefits for his or her work without the prior permission of the owner. The business organisation should also communicate to other related organisation that prior permission of the owner is required to offer any bribe or advantage to the employee of the private sector. Under the act of PBO, use of forged documents to cheat the authority is a crime. The law of China states that the employee should not follow the illegal advice of the intermediaries. The employees should be communicated that on the Mainland it is an offence to bribe an employee of a company. Conclusion The report finds that therehavebeen misconducts in the organisation. The leader of the organisation should establish business ethics and the employees are required to be trained about the governance policies. The management should see that the employees of Kitchen Best follow the rules and regulations of the company. Bibliography Goo, S., Loo, G. (2011, 06 21). Kitchen Best: Ethics When Doing Cross-Boundary Business in Southern China. Retrieved from (2017). ETHICAL ORIENTATION AND PERSONAL BENEFIT IN INSIDER ... Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2012). Case Study. Retrieved from (2011, 05 06). Business Ethics: CQR. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from Heskett, J. (2011, 05 05). How Ethical Can We Be? - HBS Working Knowledge - Harvard ... Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2014, 06 18). ethics, governance and sustainability - ICSI. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2010, 02 16). ethics, governance and sustainability sustainability - ICSI. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from (2017). Youth Risk/Need Assessment: An Overview of Issues and Practices. Retrieved 11 01, 2017, from
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Observing Stars Essays - Electromagnetic Radiation,
Observing Stars Observing Stars Our view of the sky at night is possible because of the emission and reflection of light. 'Light' is the better-known term for the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes waves in the visible, ultra-violet, infra-red, microwave, radio, X-ray and gamma-ray regions. The scale of the spectrum is so large that no region is distinct, several overlap each other. Each of these regions in the electromagnetic spectrum represent transverse waves, travelling as electrical and magnetic fields which interact perpendicularly to each other, with different ranges of wavelength. The magnetic field oscillates vertically and the electric field horizontally, and each field induces the other. By the end of the nineteenth century, Maxwell gave a realistic value for c, the speed of light: c = __1__ = 3 x 108 ms-1 ?(mo eo) The relationship between the speed of all electromagnetic radiation, wavelength (l) and frequency (f) is shown to be c = l f. Because the Universe is so vast, interstellar distances are so great that light emitted can take upwards of millions of years to reach us. Such large distances are often measured in ?light-years'; one light-year (ly) is the distance travelled by a wave of light in a year. Because of the massive speed of light and distances, the light arriving at us would have left the object many years ago, so that looking at a far away star is much like looking back in time. Scientific observation of the stars is difficult because of the distorting effect of the Earth's atmosphere. One problem is atmospheric refraction-where light is bent. Turbulent air currents cause varying refractive indices, as there is no uniform air density. This causes an effect called scintillation, where stars appear to twinkle. The effect on regions of the electromagnetic spectrum other than the visible part, such as the absorption of certain frequencies by atmospheric chemicals, and the reflection of waves by charged molecules in the ionosphere, means that some spectral data is simply invisible to us on Earth. The Earth receives electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths from all directions in space, but most of the electromagnetic spectrum is blocked out by the atmosphere well above the Earth's surface, where our eyes and instruments are mostly based. However, wavelengths from only two regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are able to penetrate the atmosphere. These two spectral windows in the atmosphere through which we can observe the Universe are called the optical window-which allows the visible wavelength region through; and the radio window-which includes the wavelength region from about 1 mm to 30 m. The telescopes used by astronomers on the ground are therefore classed as optical and radio telescopes. Optical telescopes work by either reflecting or refracting light, using lenses or curved mirrors to focus the light from a subject to form an image. Radio telescopes consist of a parabolic reflector and receiver on which the waves are focused. The gathering and resolving power de pend on the diameter of the antenna. Radio observations are unaffected by the weather or time of day, and because of the larger wavelength of radio waves, dust in space and atmospheric convection currents are not a problem. Radio astronomy is used in the chemical analysis of elements (by emission and absorption spectra); to detect the motion of bodies due to the Doppler effect; and in investigation into the early Universe and the Big Bang. We can analyse radio waves from the centres of galaxies, including our own. Despite the radio window, there are still wavelengths that do not penetrate the atmosphere. Some radio waves are reflected from the ionosphere, part of the thermosphere, where streams of charged particles from the sun ionise gas molecules: this is photo-ionisation. Ultra-violet radiation, X-rays and gamma-rays are also absorbed at this layer. Absorption of the electromagnetic spectrum at various altitudes above Earth occurs to varying degrees. Much infra-red radiation does not reach ground level because of absorption in the upper atmosphere by water, and some carbon dioxide and oxygen molecules that lie between the ground and about 15 km of altitude (the troposphere). Ozone (tri-oxygen) and di-oxygen in the stratosphere absorbs much of the ultra-violet radiation (hence the ?ozone layer' at about 30km). A side effect of the ozone layer is that molecules re-radiate
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Juvenile Delinquency And Religion Essays - Criminology, Free Essays
Juvenile Delinquency And Religion Essays - Criminology, Free Essays Juvenile Delinquency And Religion Over the years, countless efforts have been made to find a comprehensive explanation for delinquency. The results of these efforts have offered possible reasons as being both biological and social. It is still debatable as to what forces have the greatest influence on youth crime, but it is undoubted that several factors clearly make an impact. The direct relationships a child has with concrete social elements, like his family and friends, are likely to give some intimation of his involvement in crime. However, it must be noted that there are more abstract contexts for socialization that also exist as potential explanations for a childs behavior. The most prominent of these less specific forces are the media, community, and religion. It has been argued extensively that these three elements represent a major source of delinquency in the U.S. today. Everyone has at one time or another heard accusations against television, for instance, and how it has such degenerating capabilities in r elation to young minds. Equally common are the various public proclamations about the lack of brotherhood among citizens of this country. These complaints are nothing new to our society; before television was vilified, it was radio, and before radio it was comic books. In short, these problems merely exist as different manifestations of an age-old concern. Another, seemingly less obvious, aspect of this argument deals with the role of religion in society. In paralleling it to delinquency, for all its power and influence, religion is much more perplexing than the media or sense of community. For one, religion exists on many different levels and is extremely difficult to define in a fashion suitable to the debate. In addition, the fact that religion is such a controversial and sensitive subject only complicates the pursuit of characterizing and understanding it. These obstacles notwithstanding, the multifaceted effects of religion on crime have been argued for centuries. They will lik ely continue, as people observe that religion influences the behavior of people, serves as a set of values for society, and correlates with delinquency in several ways. The relationship between crime and religion has been explored for many years, with only a handful of theorists drawing any direct conclusions. Among few others, three of the most influential social philosophers of the past 200 years, Marx, Durkheim, and Weber, have all commented on the importance of religion to this issue. Marx believed that religion existed to give people a false hope for the future and to keep them motivated during the present. In accomplishing this, religion also deterred people from crime by making them concentrate on their social roles, while ignoring the oppression of stratified economic systems. Durkheim asserted that social order could be maintained only if people had common beliefs in something greater than themselves (Jensen and Rojek 309). He saw religion as very interconnected with social values as it contributed to a loss of strong communal bonds between the tenants of Western society. As people begin to believe more in themselves and less in a higher po wer, Durkheim argued, they become less committed to an interdependent society and highly prone to selfish acts of lawlessness. Weber, another distinguished sociologist, attributed social deviance to religious factors as well. He believed that religious institutions were intertwined with other institutions, contributing to both progressive and regressive social development (Jensen and Rojek 309). These three attempted to explain the social importance of religion, while only scratching the surface of its relationship to crime. Although they fail to adequately expand on the subject, the ideas of these influential thinkers represent some basic thoughts on the religious causes of crime, and they have led to successive investigations of religion and delinquency. Surprisingly, facts about crime and religion over the years have been rather indecipherable, as research findings from different studies have frequently produced contradicting results. Studies have shown delinquents being less religious than nondelinquents, religiously similar to nondelinquents, and in some cases more religious than nondelinquents. Even when differences between delinquent and nondelinquent relations to religion have been found, those differences have been only minor and insignificant. In one major study by Hirschi and Stark, it was discovered that high school students held interesting social beliefs relative to their church attendance
Friday, November 22, 2019
Affect vs. Afflict
Affect vs. Afflict Affect vs. Afflict Affect vs. Afflict By Maeve Maddox A reader has asked for a discussion of the words affect and afflict: Please discuss the two words and tell me the difference and under which situations/circumstances they should be used. Affect has a more general application than afflict. Affect transitive verb: influence, act on, have an effect on (materially or emotionally). For example: The steady seaside wind affected the growth of the tree. How will the new law affect homeowners? Being homeless affected the child’s sense of worth. Afflict connotes the idea that suffering accompanies the influence. afflict transitive verb: To distress with continued physical or mental suffering; to torment. Consider the following sentences: 1. Mrs. Baxter’s hands are affected by arthritis. 2. Mrs. Baxter is afflicted with arthritis. The first sentence states an unemotional fact. The disease of arthritis is acting on Mrs. Baxter’s hands. The second sentence suggests that, as arthritis affects Mrs. Baxter, it causes her to suffer. Writers sometimes choose afflict where affect would suffice, in order to infuse an issue with emotional appeal. For example, compare the following sentence pairs: Deep cutbacks have affected public schools this year. Local elementary school districts didnt escape state funding cutbacks that afflicted public schools across the state this year. Budget cuts are affecting public libraries all over the country. Many of the ills afflicting public libraries in Delaware also were found to afflict public school libraries. We are presently engaged in various initiatives throughout the York Region with the purpose of creating awareness of the real issues that affect low-income residents in our communities. Transportation, education, economic development- these are all issues that afflict our low-income residents. Related post Affect Is Usually a Verb Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesItalicizing Foreign WordsComma Before Too?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Labeling and crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Labeling and crime - Research Paper Example These difficulties notwithstanding, this particular analysis will seek to engage the reader with a broader understanding for how labeling of individuals contributes to the pervasive levels of crime that are oftentimes found within certain demographics. As with so many of the questions concerning causality, the analysis will seek to understand how labeling and societal definitions of expectation impact upon the way in which individuals within groups tend to understand the environment within the world around them. Accordingly, rather than tackling the impact of societal â€Å"labels†throughout the criminal justice system, the essay will instead focus upon the way in which racial/ethnic labels tend to reinforce or create unnatural constraints that define the behavior and expectations of individuals within the system. With regard to the segregation into distinct neighborhoods, this a sociological construct that has existed since the dawn of time. Taking the United States as an example, it can be seen that since the United States was ultimately a nation that was founded upon immigration, the power of this influx of â€Å"new†people into the United States created a need for a high level of housing space for them to live (Peterson & Krivo, 2012). Naturally, as Italians, Irish, Polish, and a litany of others began to arrive in a foreign land, they found themselves at a distinct disadvantage; oftentimes not speaking the language and having few if any opportunities. As a function of this, and the level of rejection that they received by clannish groups of more established Americans, ghettos began to pop up all over the nation. Looking further back in history, the freedom from slavery created a situation in which tens of thousands of African Americans moved North in search of a better life and m ore equality (Plumm & Terrence, 2013). Sadly, this search oftentimes led to a dead
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Review of Cornel West's Malcolm X and Black Rage for a college-age Essay
Review of Cornel West's Malcolm X and Black Rage for a college-age audience - Essay Example The issues of cultural hybridity, psychic conversation, authoritarian organizations, black supremacy, boundaries and borders in sexuality and other issues looms large in the present society. West states that, ‘ In order to build the best out of Malcolm X’ s ideologies, we must expand and preserve the notion of psychic conversion that cement the groups and networks in which black community, care, love, humanity and concerns grows and take root (West, 170). West has employed pathos, ethos and logos to make his message persuasive to the readers. Cornel west tries to clarify how Malcolm’s Black rage was not only directed to the white population but also to the black Americans, minds. He explains that Malcolm’s psychic conversation will promote blacks to appreciate and love their self worth and culture. Malcolm X was a revolutionary figure and anti-thesis of Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi who utilized non-violent ideologies to achieve the same goals as his predecessors. He wanted to put an end to the oppression that targeted the black people. West describes Malcolm X as an ideological leader for the black radicalism including Black Nationalism (collective actions and institutional building), black religion (morality and spirituality), socialism (justice/ freedom and anti-imperialism) as well as panafricanism (internationalism and identity) (West, 172). Malcolm X’s deep pessimism targeted the possibility and the capability of the white Americans to shade their racism led him to downplay the present and past bonds between the whites and the black people. West explains that Malcolm ideologies focused on freedoms of the black population even though he was aware that the majority of the population was racist. Malcolm X questioned the American democracy stating that it had made the black people non citizen. Ideally, constitutional
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Education - Gymnasium Essay Example for Free
Education Gymnasium Essay Education in India today is nothing like it was in Pre-Independence and Post-Independence Era. Education System in India today went through a lot of changes before it emerged in its present form. Present education system in India is also guided by different objectives and goals as compared to earlier time. Present system of education in India, however is based around the policies of yesteryears. After independence, it was on 29th August 1947, that a Department of Education under the Ministry of Human Resource Development was set up. At that time the mission was the quantitative spread of education facilities. After, 1960’s the efforts were more focussed to provide qualitative education facilities. The present research focus on steps through which our indian education system had gone through. The basic moto of this research is to show that india has done serious efforts in education nd has shotremendous development but it is still lacking in comparison with developed nations. This study is an effort to suggest some measures for its improvement. INTRODUCTION Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve growth without substantial investment in human capital. Education improves the quality of their lives and lead to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education including formal education, public awareness and training should be recognized as a process by which human beings and societies can reach their fullest potential. The pre british indian Education system comprised of three types Elementary education Secondary education Higher education Although Higher education is seen as the producer of elite class in society which largely contribute in the system of governance. The dawn of independence saw the significance of higher education in its reach and coverage. At the time of independence, there was bleak situation of higher education in India as the three important indicator:the number of Educational institutions, the number of teachers and the students enrollment in Education. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY First objective of the research is to get a understanding of various Educational changes that have taken place in India from pre Independence era. To study various Act launched for Education growth. To Find current scenario of Education sector in India To suggest some meaningful meausures to improve our Education sector. MYTHODOLOGY The study is based upon secondary data. Data has been collected from various sources like www. world bank. in,UNESCO,UNTDA. Statistical figures are main vehicle to achieve objective. It has studied internet research as well as policy papers and other official documents. CHANGES IN EDUCATION The changes which we are watching today due to education are may be because of various policy of government . Few of them are following: The National policy on Education 1986 had underscored the constitutional resolve to provide quality Education to all. under this policy government decided to review the growth and development of higher Education through five year plan which paid rich dividend in promoting education in India. The Eighty sixth constitutional amendment act in December 2002,made elementary Education a fundamental right for all children in the age group of 6-14. The Government initiated the scheme of area intensive program for Educationally backward minority and scheme of financial assistance of madrasa Education as part of its revised programme of action(1992). Taking into consideration the need for technical Education so that skill is acquired, the Government took steps to open industrial training Institute, medical colleges,polytechnics. At present there are 1500 such Institutes. National adult Education programme was taken up in 1978. The aim was to reach 100 percent literacy (age 15-35) by the year 1990. Its basic pupose was to promote small family. As a result of announcement of national policy on Education priority is given to vocationalisation of secondary Education to make Education relevant to work. A central Institute of Education technology was set up in NCERT to purchase equipment for state Institute of Educational technology. UGC was set up in 1955 for coordination and determination of standards. UGC has taken steps to implement the recommendations of new policy on education such as autonomous colleges,centers of advanced studies in universities, establishment of education media research center and audio visual research center for the use of media and setting up academic staff colleges for training and orientation of college teachers National program for nutritional support to primary Education was launched in 1995 under which food grains is provided to childrens in primary classes. The program assures 199 gm of grain per day for attending school for at least 80 percent of total school days in a month. Following India independence a number of rules were formulated for backward scheduled caste and scheduled tribes of India. Special reservation are also provided for scheduled caste and scheduled tribes example a reservation of 15 percent in kendriya vidyalaya for scheduled caste and another reservation of 7. 5 percent in kendriya vidyalaya fot scheduled tribe. CURRENT STATUS There were 20 universities and 496 college at the time of Independence At present universities and university level institutions-504 State universities-243 State private universities-53 Central universities-40. Deemed universities-130 Institutions of National importance established under act of Parliament-33 Institutions established under various state legislation-5 In addition there are 25951 college including atound 2565 women college Table-1: All India Growth of institutions Year. Universities Colleges. Total 1947-48. 20 496. 516 1950-51 28. 578. 606 1960-61. 45 1819. 1864 1970-71. 93 3227. 3320 1980-81. 123. 4738 4861 1990-91. 184 5748 5932 2000-01 266 11146. 11412 2004-05 348 17625. 17973 2005-06. 355. 18064. 18419 2006-07. 367. 19000 19367 2007-08. 416. 20677 21093 2008-09. 480 22000. 22480. 2009-10 504. 25951. 26455 Source: UGC To promote higher education, college were established to provide specialized professional or vocational training. The first ever college in india was during the British rule in 1817,the CMS college kottaysm in kerela. After induction of new education policy, college education got flip and has increased manifold. Women enrolment was less than 10 percent of total enrollment on eve of Independence and it was risen to 41. 40 percent Number of teachers in 1950 were 15000 , in 1991 teachers were 272 thousand and in 2004 it was 457 thousand , in 2010 it was 699 thousand. Number of students enrolled in 1950 was 0. 1 million , in 1991 it was 4. 9 million,in 2004 it was 9. 95 million and in 2010 it reaches to 14. 6 million. EVIDENCE As Indias higher Education system is one of the world largest, enrolling nearly 22 million students in more than 46000 institutions. The changing landscape of higher education should be noted by key administrator, particularly government should be aware of the opportunity for institutions to nurture entrepreneurial growth and establish partnership with various organization to address community needs. Indias government currently plays a command and control role in higher Education. Under government oversight, public universities set curricula, determine courses offering, administer exam and grant degrees. But in 12th five year plan government key policy for economic development theory 2017 proposes a steer and evaluate role that allows a greater degree of self regulation and enforces higher level of accountability across the education system institutions The Economic development through Education is clearly evident in market ,demand for service which have pace. ADVANCEMENT Today development of Education in India has attained new level essentially after the independence of country. India is developing nation and it has been expanding in every field. Development of Education in India brought about a transformation and the concept of Education got modified. India got well known Educational institutions such as IITs,IIMs,AIIMS,, ISB,ISI. Indias higher Education system is the third largest in world after China and Uk. The Development of Education has traveled a longway and thus Indian Education system introduced certain advantageous system such as online Education in India. Online Education is a system of Education training which is delivered primarily via the Internet to students at remote location. Online Education enables the students to opt for many online degrees or courses from various university In the modern times, students are provided with extensive scope and courses to choose from and they enjoy the opportunity of selecting the required field. The system of distance Education in India is becoming increasingly popular. The student choosing distance learning process are benefitted with modern pattern followed. Development of Education in India ensures that all Indian citizens will receive Education in spite of financial constraints or unavailability of college and school. In addition the non formal Education is launched which is about acknowledging the importance of Education, learning and training which takes place outside recognized Educational institutions. It is the process of learning throughout life. PROBLEMS Undoubtedly India has made a vast improvement in education sector but stilk it lacks in some or the other way like 1)The enrollment rate in India had shown progress of gross enrollment rate in higher education to 17. 2 percent over the years yet it was short as per the world standard as seen,the Country was behind China 19 percent and UK 60 percent and USA 82 percent 2) The teacher strength in institutions of higher education was far from adequate. 3)Gross enrollment has increasd but were not matching anywhere with developed countries 4)Wide variations are seen in rural and urban areas 5)Regional disparities are also visible. 6)Education given is irrelevant according to job market 7)Innovation and creation are missing from the field 8)Education is seen as a object of providing immediate skills and tools, not means for future growth 9)By far one of the most pressing problem is that unavailability of money or inadequate funding of Indian Education system. RECOMMENDATIONS Our Education system still in this era faces many problems. funny thing is that from colonial times, few things have changed. we have established IITs,IIMs and other Institute of excellence. Students now routinely score 90 percent marks still find difficult to get into college of their choice. we live in a country where the people see Education as means of climbing the social and economic ladder. Some of the useful measures to improve our education system are following: 1)Private capital should be allowed in Education to reach at excellence level and compete with developed nations 2)Personalize education should focused as one size does not fit all humans. So Education should be given according to its demand. 3)Implement massive technology infrastructure for Education 4)Focus on skill based technology according to modern era 5)Reward creativity, original thinking, research and innovation. 6)Redifine the purpose of Education system 7)Take mediocrity out of the system 8)Policy makers in India should continue to develop and implement an accreditation system that can over time become a key measure of quality. 9)An Effort is needed to gradually phase in methods to link funding to quality measure. 10)Raising the level of Education, to be competitive like developed nations. 11)Identify the need of business and industry, then supply Education to fulfill their demand REFERENCES Ministry of Human Resource Development. (2001). Selected Educational Statistics 2001-2002, Government of India, New Delhi. Ministry of Human Resource Development. (2001). Annual Report, 2003-2004, MHRD, Government of India, New Delhi. Shukla, Snehlatha, et. al (1998). Attainment of Primary School Children in India, NCERT. Strides in Education in India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India Registrar General and Census Commissioner. (2001). Census of India 2001. Provisional Population Totals Paper-I of 2001, Controller of Publications, New Delhi. Ministry of Human Resource Development, Analysis of Budgeted Expenditure on Education 2000-01 to 2002-03, Government of India,New Delhi.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Computer Crime :: Criminal Justice
Formatting Problems In today's society our most valuable commodity is not grain, steel or even technology; it is information. Because of computer networks, just about everyone can now access an astounding range of information. The Internet is international, even though 80 percent of the Internet use occurs in the United States, and a staggering amount of information on every subject imaginable is available for free. Because so many people now have access, computer crimes have become more frequent. Everyone with a computer and a modem can commit a computer crime if so inclined. Anyone, conceivably, could become a "white collar" computer criminal. When the term "white collar" crime came into wide spread use several decades ago, it was thought that certain crimes were committed by persons whom no one would normally suspect of criminal behavior: professional, "white collar" workers. In the late 1990's, however, the term "white collar" is somewhat inaccurate. The playing field has been leveled by the widespr ead use of computers. Now "white collar crime" tends to mean simply "non violent crime" or "economic crime." As technology becomes increasingly accessible to more and more people, it also becomes a potential tool for increasing numbers of criminals. Most computer crimes do not involve violence but rather greed, pride, or play on some character weakness of the victim. They are based on dishonesty and not force. For these reasons, computer crimes are considered white collar. Just as the term "white collar crime" designates several kinds of crime, the term computer crime also designated several types of crime. It includes crimes that are committed with a computer, crimes that occur in cyber space, and crimes committed against a computer. Some of the crimes are completely new; while others are older crimes that merely use the computer as a tool. The endless and constant growing variety of computer crimes makes it difficult to pass laws that adequately cover new computer crimes. Some cri mes such as embezzlement, wire fraud, and forgery, are already covered under existing law. Others, such as cyber vandalism, cyber terrorism, and cyber espionage, are relatively new. For these newer crimes, the letter of the existing law sometimes does not allow prosecution of what clearly is criminal behavior. Employees and ex-employees of the victimized company commit most "white collar crimes". Likewise about 75 to 80 percent of prosecuted computer crimes are committed by current or former employees. There are many different kinds of computer crimes ranging from identity theft to sexual harassment to otherwise ordinary "white collar" crimes that happen to involve a computer.
Monday, November 11, 2019
John Dryden Translator of Virgil Essay
John Dryden translated Virgil in the late 1690’s when more than fifty Englishmen before him had tried to translate at least some Virgil and many translated after his death in the seventeenth century as John Denham and Edmund Waller. What makes Dryden’s translation the most successful version, the most read and accepted between its competitors? How did Dryden translate his Virgil and why? And what kind of response did his translation receive at the time? â€Å"Without invention a painter is but a copier, and a poet but a plagiary of others. Both are allowed sometimes to copy and translate†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Dryden stated that he used paraphrase and literal translation when translating Virgil, which allowed him the liberty of modernizing it. Dryden believes that he used what was best in matter, form and style in translating Virgil by means of paraphrasing, rephrasing, and changing some phrases which when translated word for word would produce an odd meaning of the terms. â€Å"Imitators are but a servile of cattle†says Dryden, the reason why he didn’t want just to imitate Virgil, but personalize and domesticate his translation. By doing this, Dryden transformed Virgil’s poems, and particularly the Aeneid, into autobiographical and personal statements. So, how did he do this? Dryden used the political background of the events that happened in Rome and paralleled them to recent political events to express his personal opinions. By the way of adding and modifying phrases, Dryden changes the tone of the first Eclogue from melancholy to bitter, transforming the poem to express his own depressed spirit. This spirit changes and develops further in the ninth Eclogue which has a similar background as the first. Here, Dryden makes full use of the poem to attack literally the Williamite government, where he accuses it of killing his creativity. He substitutes â€Å"the corrupt city†of Virgil by â€Å"the Court†continuing with his bitter feelings towards the Establishment with phrases like â€Å"the Bribes of Court†. Furthermore, the Virgil volume was dedicated to non- Williamite noblemen. Dryden’s loathing of William often makes him bring hostility to foreignness in Virgil. His Virgil has been seen as a Jacobite work, supporting the exiled James II. Another huge background change was the introduction of Christian universe. Dryden introduces Christian terms to the Virgil, replacing the Roman paganism. He introduces â€Å"Heaven†with all its Christian connotations, replacing Virgil’s words for the gods, the fates, and fortune. This new Christian conception changes the character and mission of the hero. Aeneas is transformed into a Christian who bears his misfortunes with patience as he is on a divine mission. â€Å"I have endeavour’d to make Virgil speak such English as he wou’d himself have spoken, if he had been born in England, and in this present Age†As to the language of translation, Dryden’s version has many identical traces with the works of many others who preceded him. Dryden is thought to have read at least forty of the previous Virgil translations. He is thought to have borrowed many of Douglas’s word translations; Chaucer’s rhymed couplets and most of all, Lauderdale’s word rhymes. Dryden â€Å"thought it fit to steer betwixt the two Extreams, of Paraphrase, and Literal Translation†and stated that â€Å"Some things too I have omitted, and sometimes added of my own†. â€Å"But by what Authority? †, asked Luke Milbourne angrily. From its first appearance, Dryden’s Virgil was canonized. His most distinguished antagonists are Swift and Wordsworth. Swift wrote â€Å"A Tale of a Tub†which takes aim at Dryden, intending his demolition but failed enormously and may have even contributed to Dryden’s sale. Wordsworth wrote â€Å"whenever Virgil can be fairly said to have had his eye upon his object, Dryden always spoils the passage. †Milbourne, in his â€Å"Notes on Dryden’s Virgil†, details objections to nearly six hundred separate passages, and supplies many alternatives of his own or Ogilby’s renderings, saying that although his words are not well placed, but they keep the original meaning of Virgil. Spence in his Polymetis , an illustrated mythology book, advances numerous objections to Dryden’s Virgil. Another attack is from E. M. W. Tillyard who objects on his crudity, vulgarity, or sometimes over-gentility. Samuel Johnson remarked that â€Å"Dryden’s faults are forgotten in the hurry of delight, and Pitt’s beauties are neglected in the languor of a cold and listless perusal. †Dryden’s style aims at the clarification of Virgil and transparency of translation. By domestication, and parallelism of the political background, Dryden was able to produce an epic which came alive after centuries, by adding to it his passions, senses and the concerns of his own age. Sources: * Dryden’s Virgil: Translation as Autobiography, Thomas H. Fujimura, University of North Carolina Press, 1983 * Dryden’s Virgil, William Frost, CL summer 1984, Volume 36, # 3. * John Dryden, Preface to Ovid’s Epistles, in Of Dramatic Poesy and Other Critical essays, ed. George Watson (London, 1962) II, p. 195. * Dryden, J ; (1956) â€Å"Preface to Ovid’s Epistles†(1680), in E. N. Hooker and H. T. Swedenberg, Jr. (eds), The works of John Dryden, vol. 1, Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. * Luke Milbourne, Notes on Dryden’s Virgil (1698 ; rpt. New York and London, 1971) pp. 32, 80, 136 * Dryden : The Critical Heritage, ed. James Kinsley and Helen Kinsley (London and New York, 1971), p. 324 * Joseph Spence, Polymetis (1747; rpt. New York and London, 1976) * The Cambridge Companion to Virgil, (ed. ) Charles Martindale: Cambridge University Press, 1997, p. 31
Saturday, November 9, 2019
China Insurance Market Outlook to 2016 – Driven by Automobile Insurance Market
1  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 3. Asia-Pacific Insurance Industry Industry Introduction Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Size by Direct Written Premium, 2005-2012P Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation 1. 3. 1. By Geography, 2005-2012P 1. 3. 2. By Life and Non Life, 2005-2012P 1. 4. Asia-Pacific Insurance Industry Future Outlook 1. 4. 1. By Geography, 2013-2016 3. 3. 1. 3. 2. 4. 5. 5. 1. 5. 2. 5. 3. 5. 4. 6. 6. 1. 7. 7. 1.China Insurance Industry China Insurance Value Chain China Insurance Market Size by Direct Written Premium, 2005-2012 China Insurance Government Regulations China Life Insurance Market China Life Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 China Life insurance Claim Paid, 2005-2012 Market Share of Major Life Insurers in China, 2012 China Life Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 China Non-Life Insurance Market China Non-Life Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 Non-Life Insurance Segmentation, 2005-2012 China Property and Casualty Insurance Industry 7. 1. 1. China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. . 2. China Property and Casualty insurance Claim Paid, 2005-2012 7. 1. 3. Property and Casualty Insurance Segmentation, 2005-2012 7. 1. 4. Market Share of Major Property and Casualty Insurers in China, 2012 2  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied 7. 1. 5. China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 20132016 7. 2. China Motor Insurance Industry 7. 2. 1. China Motor Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 2. 2. China Motor Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 3. China Commercial Property Insurance Industry 7. 3. 1.China Commercial Property Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 3. 2. China Commercial Property Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 4. China Agricultural Insurance Industry 7. 4. 1. China Agricultural Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 4. 2. China Agricultural Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 5. China Liability Insurance Industry 7. 5. 1. China Liability Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 5. 2. China Liability Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 6. China Credit Insurance Industry 7. 6. 1. China Credit Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 6. 2.China Credit Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 7. China Accident Insurance Industry 7. 7. 1. China Accident Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 7. 2. China Accident Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 8. China Cargo Insurance Industry 7. 8. 1. China Cargo Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 8. 2. China Cargo Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 9. China Health Insurance Industry 7. 9. 1. China Health Insurance Market Size, 2005-2012 7. 9. 2. China Health insurance Claim Paid, 2005-2012 3  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research a nd should not be copied . 9. 3. China Health Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 7. 10. Market Share of Major Non Life Insurers in China, 2011 7. 11. China Non-Life Insurance Market Future Outlook and Projection, 2013-2016 8. 9. China Insurance Industry Trends and Developments China Insurance Industry Future Projections, 2013-2016 9. 1. Cause and Effect Relationship Between Dependent and Independent Factors Prevailing in China Insurance Market 10. Company Profile of Major Players in China Life Insurance Industry 10. 1. China Life Insurance 10. 1. 1. Company Profile 10. 1. 2. Business Strategies 10. 1. 3.Financial Performance 10. 2. Ping An Life Insurance 10. 2. 1. Company Profile 10. 2. 2. Business Strategies 10. 2. 3. Financial Performance 10. 3. New China Life Insurance 10. 3. 1. Company Profile 10. 3. 2. Business Strategies 10. 3. 3. Financial Performance 11. Company Profile of Major Players in China Non-Life Insurance Industry 11. 1. Public Insurance Compan y of China (PICC) 11. 1. 1. Company Profile 11. 1. 2. Business Strategies 11. 1. 3. Financial Performance 11. 2. China Pacific Insurance (CPIC) 4  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied 11. 2. 1. Company Profile 11. 2. 2.Business Strategies 11. 2. 3. Financial Performance 12. China Insurance Industry Macro-Economic Indicators: Historical and Projections 12. 1. China Population, 2005-2016 12. 2. GDP of China, 2005-2016 12. 3. Healthcare Expenditure of China, 2005-2016 12. 4. Total Vehicle in Use in China, 2007-2016 13. Appendix 13. 1. Market Definitions 13. 2. Abbreviations 13. 3. Research Methodology Data Collection Methods Approach Variables (Dependent and Independent) Multi Factor Based Sensitivity Model Final Conclusion 13. 4. Disclaimer 5  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012P Figure 2: As ia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Life and non Life on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012P Figure 3: Insurance Value Chain Figure 4: China Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 5: China Life Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 6: China Life Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 7: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2012 Figure 8: China Life Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 9: China Non Life Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 10: China Non life Insurance Market Segmentation by Property and Casualty and Health Insurance on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012 Figure 11: Chin a Property and Casualty Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 12: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 13: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Segmentation by Motor, Commercial Property, Agricultural, Liability, Credit, Accident, Cargo and Others Insurance on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012 Figure 14: Market Share of Major Property and Casualty Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2012 Figure 15: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 6  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure 16: China Motor Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 17: China Motor Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Writ ten Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 18: China Commercial Property Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 19: China Commercial Property Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013 -2016 Figure 20: China Agricultural Insurance MarketSize on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 21: China Agricultural Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 22: China Liability Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 23: China Liability Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 24: China Credit Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 25: China Credit Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 26: China Accident Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 27: China Accident Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 28: China Cargo Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 29: China Cargo Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 30: China Health Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 7  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedFigure 31: China Health Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 Figure 32: China Health Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 33: Market Share of Major Non Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2011 Figure 34: China Non life Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 35: China Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Figure 36: China Life Insurance Net Written Premium of China Life Insurance Company in USD Million, 2006-2012 Figure 37: China Life Insurance Premium Income of Ping An Life Insurance in USD Million, 2008-2012 Figure 38: China Life Insurance Premium Income of New China Life Insurance in USD Million, 2006-2012 Figure 39: China Life Insurance Premium Income of Public Insurance Company of China in USD Million, 2005-2011 Figure 40: China Life Insurance Gross Written Premium of China Pacific Insurance in USD Million, 2008-2011 Figure 41: China Population in Million, 2005-2016 Figure 42: GDP of China in USD Million, 2005-2016 Figure 43: Healthcare Expenditure of China in USD Million, 2005-2016 Figure 44: Total Vehicle in Use in China in Million, 2007-2016 8  © This i s a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied LIST OF TABLESTable 1: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Billion, 2005 -2012P Table 2: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Life and Non Life on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Billion, 2005 -2012P Table 3: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Projections by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Table 4: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2012 Table 5: Market Share of Major Property and Casualty Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2012 Table 6: Market Share of Major Non Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2011 Table 7: Cause and Effect Relationship Analysis between Industry Factors and Expected Industry Prospects of China Insurance Market Table 8: Correlation Matrix of China Insurance Indust ry Table 9: Regression Coefficients Output of China Insurance Industry 9  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE MARKET SIZE BY DIRECT WRITTEN PREMIUM, 2005-2012P The insurance market in Asia-Pacific region has grown remarkably over the past few years due to the growth in the emerging markets such as China, Japan, India, Australia, Taiwan and South Korea. The countries in the Asia-Pacific region are at different stages of economic development unlike the European countries and the US which has created significant opportunities for the insurers in the region in order to serve the financial needs of the customers.The market in the region has grown at a CAGR of 11. 9% from USD ~ million in 2005 to USD ~million in 2012†¦ Figure: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012P 16,00,000. 0 14,00,000. 0 12,00,000. 0 USD Million 10,00,000. 0 8,00,000. 0 6,00,000. 0 4,00,000. 0 2 ,00,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012P 10  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE MARKET SEGMENTATION BY GEOGRAPHY, 2005-2012P Asia-Pacific insurance industry is majorly contributed by 6 major countries such as Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan, India and Australia with the share of ~% in 2012.Japan insurance market is the second largest in the world with the contribution of more than ~% in 2012†¦. The China insurance industry is China insurance industry is one of one of the predominant markets in the insurance industry the predominant markets in the in the Asia-Pacific region with a contribution of ~% of the insurance industry in the AsiaPacific region with a contribution direct written premium in the region in 2012†¦ South Korea is the third largest market with a contribution of ~% in 2012. The country insurance sector is more complicated with limited growth opportunities in comparison with the gro wing market in the region such as China and India†¦ of ~% of the direct written premium in the region in 2012.Table: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Segmentation by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Billion, 2005-2012P Countries Japan China South Korea Taiwan India Australia Hong Kong Singapore Thailand Malaysia 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012P 11  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Indonesia New Zealand Philippines Vietnam Pakistan Kazakhstan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Total 12  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CHINA INSURANCE INDUSTRY CHINA INSURANCE MARKET SIZE BY DIRECT WRITTEN PREMIUM, 2005-2012 The Chinese insurance industry has seen rapid expansion during 2005-2012 and will continue to see high growth rates in the next few years.The insurance market in the country has witnessed a compound annual growth rate of ~% in the last seven years and has recorded direct written premiu m of USD ~ million in 2012†¦ Figure: China Insurance Market Size on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 3,00,000. 0 2,50,000. 0 USD Million 2,00,000. 0 1,50,000. 0 1,00,000. 0 50,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income Non-Life Insurance is in Premium Income 13  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CHINA LIFE INSURANCE MARKET CHINA LIFE INSURANCE CLAIM PAID, 2005-2012 China life insurance industry has paid a claim of USD 20,128. million in 2011 due to an occurrence of natural disaster in mainland China in the first half of 2011. China has been the world’s most existing marketplace for global insurers for a decade and it looks set to retain its status in the near future. The country life insurance industry has experienced an incline in claim paid from USD ~ million in 2010 to USD ~ million in 2011†¦. . Figure: China Life Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 25,000. 0 20,000. 0 USD Million 15,000. 0 10,000. 0 5,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income 14  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedMARKET SHARE OF MAJOR LIFE INSURERS IN CHINA, 2012 China life insurance industry is a concentrated market with top five players contributing around ~% of the total life insurance direct written premium in 2012. China life is the leading player in China life insurance industry with the contribution of approximately ~% of the total direct written premium of the life insurance industry in China in 2012†¦. Figure 1: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2012 China Life shares Ping An Life New China Life CPIC Life PICC Life Taikang TPL (Taiping Life) Sino Life Others Note: Life Insurance is in Premium IncomeTable: Market Share of Major Life Insurers on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2012 Players China Life shares Ping An Life New China Life 2012 15  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CPIC Life PICC Life Taikang TPL Sino Life Others Total Source: Insurance Association of China and Ken Research Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income CHINA NON-LIFE INSURANCE MARKET NON-LIFE INSURANCE SEGMENTATION, 2005-2012 The country non life insurance market is dominated by property and casualty segment with the contribution of ~% in 2012†¦ The motor vehicle is the leading contributor in property and casualty segment China non life insurance market is dominated by property and with the share of around ~% in 2012.The motor vehicle casualty segment with the insurance is divided into two types such as compulsory contribution of ~% in 2012. liability and voluntary insurance. The second largest contributor in property and casualty segment is property with the share of approximately ~% in 201 2 followed by agricultural insurance with the share of ~% in 2012. The health insurance market contributes ~% of the non life insurance industry in China in 2012. The private health insurance coverage in the country has expanded and now it covers approximately ~% of China’s population. The health insurance coverage in the country has grown at an impressive rate of ~% annually over the past 10 years.The number of health insurance plan in the country has also increased from around ~ in 2008 to over ~ in 2011. 16  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure 2: China Non life Insurance Market Segmentation by Property and Casualty and Health Insurance on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in Percentage, 2005-2012 100. 0% 90. 0% 80. 0% 70. 0% 60. 0% 50. 0% 40. 0% 30. 0% 20. 0% 10. 0% 0. 0% 2005 2006 Health Note:Non-Life Insurance is in Premium Income In Percentage % 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Property and Casualty CHINA PROPERTY AND CASUALTY I NSURANCE INDUSTRY CHINA PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE CLAIM PAID, 2005-2012The Chinese property and casualty insurance industry has paid USD ~ million claims in 2011 in which approximately USD ~ was paid in August 2011 which was recorded as the highest claim paid in the year†¦ In 2009, the combined ratio of property and casualty insurance industry has improved to ~% and this positive trend in the market is accelerated in 2010 and in the first half of 2011 in which the industry has recorded the combined ratio of ~% and ~% respectively for the top three insurers in the country which include PICC, Ping An Property and Casualty and CPIC Fiscal. 17  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure: China Property and Casualty Insurance Market Claim Paid on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2005-2012 50,000. 0 45,000. 0 40,000. USD Million 35,000. 0 30,000. 0 25,000. 0 20,000. 0 15,000. 0 10,000. 0 5,000. 0 0. 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 20 09 2010 2011 2012 Note:Property and Casualty Insurance is in Premium Income CHINA MOTOR INSURANCE INDUSTRY CHINA MOTOR INSURANCE MARKET FUTURE OUTLOOK AND PROJECTION, 2013-2016 †¦The country automobile insurance market is expected to earn direct written premium of USD ~ million in 2016 which is up from USD ~ million in 2011. This is due to an expected increase in the car ownership in the country as there are only 35 million cars for the population of ~ billion in 2011. 18  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedFigure: China Motor Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 1,80,000. 0 1,60,000. 0 1,40,000. 0 USD Million 1,20,000. 0 1,00,000. 0 80,000. 0 60,000. 0 40,000. 0 20,000. 0 0. 0 2013 Note:Motor Insurance is in Premium Income 2014 2015 2016 19  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE INDUSTRY FUTURE OUTLOOK †¦Overall, the market of the Asia-Pacific insurance is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11. 2% from 2013-2016. The market in the near future is expected to witness consolidation and higher competition level with the entrance of more global players in the market†¦ ASIA-PACIFIC INSURANCE INDUSTRY FUTURE PROJECTIONSBY GEOGRAPHY, 2013-2016 The Asia-Pacific Insurance industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11. 2% from 2013-2016 on account of rising population in the emerging market of Asia such as India and China. It is anticipated that the total direct written premium of the insurance products will increase to USD ~ million in 2016 from USD ~ million in 2012. Table: Asia-Pacific Insurance Market Projections by Countries on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 Countries Japan China South Korea Taiwan India Australia Hong Kong Singapore Thailand 2013 2014 2015 2016 20  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copiedMalaysia Indonesia New Zealand Philippines Vietnam Pakistan Kazakhstan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Total CHINA INSURANCE INDUSTRY FUTURE PROJECTIONS, 2013-2016 In the base case scenario analysis the insurance industry in the country is expected to grow at a phenomenal rate of 17. 7% in the next four years and is predicted to record the direct written premium of USD ~ million in 2016†¦ The worst case scenario analysis assumes that the country insurance market is anticipated to grow at a marginal rate of 6. 9% from 2013-2016 in comparison to the historical years†¦ The best case scenario analysis predicts the remarkable growth of 28. 5% in the next five years.The country’s insurance market is expected to record direct written premium of USD ~ million by 2016. 21  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied Figure: China Insurance Market Projections on the Basis of Direct Written Premium in USD Million, 2013-2016 8,00,000. 0 7,00,000. 0 6,00,000. 0 USD Million 5,00,000. 0 4,00,000. 0 3,00,00 0. 0 2,00,000. 0 1,00,000. 0 0. 0 2013 Worst Case Note:Life Insurance is in Premium Income Non-Life Insurance is in Premium Income 2014 Base Case 2015 Best Case 2016 22  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEPENDENT AND INDEPENDENT FACTORS PREVAILING IN CHINA INSURANCE MARKETTable: Cause and Effect Relationship Analysis between Industry Factors and Expected Industry Prospects of China Insurance Market Industry Factors Strict Government Regulations and Support Increasing Population Market Impact Comments ? Cause: ? Positive Effect: ? Cause: ? Effect: ? Cause: ? Effect: ? Cause: ? Positive Effect: ? Negative Effect: Increasing Consumer Spending Intensifying Competition DISCLAIMER No part of this manual or any material appearing may be reproduced, stored in or transmitted on any other Web site without written permission of Ken Research and any payments of a specified fee. Requests to republish any material may be sent to us. 23  © This is a licensed product of Ken Research and should not be copied
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Solar System
The Solar System Humans live on a small planet in a tiny part of a vast universe. This part of the universe is called the solar system, and is dominated by a single brilliant star-the sun. The solar system is the earth’s neighbourhood and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the Earth’s neighbours. They all have the same stars in the sky and orbit the same sun. Scientists believe the solar system began about 5 billion years ago, perhaps when a nearby star exploded and caused a large cloud of dust and gas to collapse in on itself. The hot, central part of the cloud became the sun, while some smaller pieces formed around it and became the planets. Other fragments became asteroids and comets, which also orbit the sun. The early solar system was a turbulent mix of hot gas and rocky debris. In the solar system everything is affected by the sun’s gravity. The planets and a variety of other objects, including comets, move the way they do because of the sun’s gravitational attraction. Our planet, Earth, is the third out from the sun. The planets are all different. Their differences are largely the result of their different distances from the sun. We call the planets that are closer to the sun, including the Earth, the inner planets. They are small rocky worlds. The outer planets are much larger and are made from much lighter materials. All but two planets, Mercury and Venus, have moons in orbit around them. The Moon The explorers found a dead world. There is no air and no water. Without an atmosphere, the sky is black at midday and the temperatures swing by hundreds of degrees from day to night. No rivers or oceans have eroded the surface; no volcanoes are rebuilding the boring landscape. The surface has survived unchanged for billions of years. Smooth plains and lava flows that froze on the Moon long before life arose on the Earth. Elsewhere, the Moon still bears the scars... Free Essays on The Solar System Free Essays on The Solar System The Solar System Humans live on a small planet in a tiny part of a vast universe. This part of the universe is called the solar system, and is dominated by a single brilliant star-the sun. The solar system is the earth’s neighbourhood and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the Earth’s neighbours. They all have the same stars in the sky and orbit the same sun. Scientists believe the solar system began about 5 billion years ago, perhaps when a nearby star exploded and caused a large cloud of dust and gas to collapse in on itself. The hot, central part of the cloud became the sun, while some smaller pieces formed around it and became the planets. Other fragments became asteroids and comets, which also orbit the sun. The early solar system was a turbulent mix of hot gas and rocky debris. In the solar system everything is affected by the sun’s gravity. The planets and a variety of other objects, including comets, move the way they do because of the sun’s gravitational attraction. Our planet, Earth, is the third out from the sun. The planets are all different. Their differences are largely the result of their different distances from the sun. We call the planets that are closer to the sun, including the Earth, the inner planets. They are small rocky worlds. The outer planets are much larger and are made from much lighter materials. All but two planets, Mercury and Venus, have moons in orbit around them. The Moon The explorers found a dead world. There is no air and no water. Without an atmosphere, the sky is black at midday and the temperatures swing by hundreds of degrees from day to night. No rivers or oceans have eroded the surface; no volcanoes are rebuilding the boring landscape. The surface has survived unchanged for billions of years. Smooth plains and lava flows that froze on the Moon long before life arose on the Earth. Elsewhere, the Moon still bears the scars... Free Essays on The Solar System The Solar System Humans live on a small planet in a tiny part of a vast universe. This part of the universe is called the solar system, and is dominated by a single brilliant star-the sun. The solar system is the earth’s neighbourhood and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the Earth’s neighbours. They all have the same stars in the sky and orbit the same sun. Scientists believe the solar system began about 5 billion years ago, perhaps when a nearby star exploded and caused a large cloud of dust and gas to collapse in on itself. The hot, central part of the cloud became the sun, while some smaller pieces formed around it and became the planets. Other fragments became asteroids and comets, which also orbit the sun. The early solar system was a turbulent mix of hot gas and rocky debris. In the solar system everything is affected by the sun’s gravity. The planets and a variety of other objects, including comets, move the way they do because of the sun’s gravitational attraction. Our planet, Earth, is the third out from the sun. The planets are all different. Their differences are largely the result of their different distances from the sun. We call the planets that are closer to the sun, including the Earth, the inner planets. They are small rocky worlds. The outer planets are much larger and are made from much lighter materials. All but two planets, Mercury and Venus, have moons in orbit around them. The Moon The explorers found a dead world. There is no air and no water. Without an atmosphere, the sky is black at midday and the temperatures swing by hundreds of degrees from day to night. No rivers or oceans have eroded the surface; no volcanoes are rebuilding the boring landscape. The surface has survived unchanged for billions of years. Smooth plains and lava flows that froze on the Moon long before life arose on the Earth. Elsewhere, the Moon still bears the sca...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Drain Cleaner Can Dissolve Glass
Drain Cleaner Can Dissolve Glass Just about everyone knows many acids are corrosive. For example, hydrofluoric acid can dissolve glass. Did you know strong bases can be corrosive, too? An example of a base sufficiently corrosive to eat glass is sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a common solid drain cleaner. You can test this for yourself by setting a glass container in hot sodium hydroxide, but you need to be extremely careful. Glass Dissolver Sodium hydroxide is perfectly capable of dissolving your skin in addition to glass. Also, it reacts with other chemicals, so you have to be certain you perform this project in a steel or iron container. Test the container with a magnet if you are unsure, because the other metal commonly used in pans, aluminum, reacts vigorously with sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide reacts with the silicon dioxide in glass to form sodium silicate and water: 2NaOH SiO2 → Na2SiO3 H2O Dissolving glass in molten sodium hydroxide probably wont do your pan any favors, so chances are youll want to throw it out when you are done. Neutralize the sodium hydroxide with acid before disposing of the pan or attempting to clean it. If you dont have access to a chemistry lab, this could be achieved with a whole lot of vinegar (weak acetic acid) or a smaller volume of muriatic acid (hydrochloric), or you can wash the sodium hydroxide away with lots and lots of water. You may not be interested in destroying glassware for science, but its still worth knowing why it is important to remove dishes from your sink if you are planning to use solid drain cleaner and why its not a good idea to use more than the recommended amount of the product.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Marxist Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marxist Political Economy - Essay Example The first premises have a fundamental basis in the existence of human beings as the basis of the theory. This premise underlines the importance of understanding how human beings are physically organized and how human beings relate to nature and among themselves in the economic organization of a particular society. Marx posits that as soon as men are born, they distinguish themselves from other animals by engaging in productive activities for subsistence. This production for subsistence heavily relies on the type of means of subsistence that men find available to them at the beginning and have to replicate by reproduction. Marx explains that this activity of production is not abstract, but rather a definite activity that shapes the way of life of men using a particular method of production. As population increases, production will also be increased due to the demand created by this increase in population. Inevitably, people have to relate with one another in order for the production p rocess to be carried on without conflicts and to run smoothly. In this regard, Marx again states that the relations among people are dependent on the nature of production they are engaged in. At the highest level of relations, it is no longer relations among individuals but includes how nations relate with other nations and the internal relations between citizens. Nation to nation relationships are ordered by the levels of specialization each country has achieved in production leading to division of labour.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
How Parents Discipline in Public Places Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
How Parents Discipline in Public Places - Essay Example 154). The clash of needs transpires when the mother unloads her grocery items at the cashier section while her son unwraps the chocolate bar at the checkout aisle for consumption. When the child does not get what he wants, an unwanted scene is created: the child does temper tantrum. Baumgardner (2003) says that temper tantrum is a â€Å"response of children not getting their way during a specific encounter†(p. 185). The mother is exhausted from carefully selecting and picking the items that she wants to buy -- considering the time and the mind she had allocated -- and the exhaustion is augmented when her son decides to do something which is unplanned and unimportant. Seldom, temper tantrum occurs when a child fails to have what he desires. Bergman (2001) counsels the parent not to give in to the child’s manipulation (p. 261). For him, temper tantrum is a sort of mechanism in which children greatly use in order for their parents to â€Å"get their own way†(Bergm an, 2001, p. 261). On the other hand, mothers vary in their response to this kind of situation. Some good mothers complain to the store manager for putting a â€Å"nag factor†(e.g., checkout aisle) in their grocery store. And some mothers talk to their children of what went wrong.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Articles - Essay Example This conclusion is justified since the researcher gained ample proof of the statement after conducting the research. The research questions were, ‘Based on 30-min pretest and posttest essays, will mean accuracy scores from the treatment group posttest essays be significantly greater than those from the contrast group? Based on 30-min pretest and posttest essays, will rhetorical competence scores, fluency scores, or complexity scores from the treatment group posttest essays be significantly lower than those from the contrast group?’ (Hartshorn, et. al., 2010) The sample population for the study was 47 ESL students ranging from advanced-low to advanced-mid category. Of these 47, 28 students belonged to the treatment group and 19 students belonged to the contrast group. Random sampling was used in this study. The questions in the survey were well-designed since they dealt with the core of the issue while dealing with ESL students. The idea was to improve upon the writing skills of the students and this meant allowing students to express their words in writing. It was concluded that WCF does indeed improve the writing skills of ESL students. Though, students being taught under the program did slightly less better in terms of sentence complexity and length of the writing piece but their writing skills considerably improved when compared with traditional teaching methods. The data is well-justified. The pedagogical implications suggest that using WCF teaching method is likely to result in improved writing skills. This is because traditional teaching styles are less focused on gaining accurate and timely feedback which delays the understanding process among students. The questions in the interview were well designed since they were semi-structured. This means that the interviewer did not follow predetermined questions that did not take into account the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Financial Statements Analysis of Competitors
Financial Statements Analysis of Competitors The two U.S. companies Lowes and Home Depot are two leading competitors on the DYI market who are both listed on the U.S. stock market. You are to carry out a financial statement analysis of these two companies covering the period 2002 to 2006. Specifically, you are to: 1. Analyze and evaluate the balance sheet for assets and liabilities that are not recorded. Kohlbeck (2004) argues that, using the case of banks, few firms disclose the value of their intangible assets, and few provide any information enabling investors to make an informed judgement as to the value of these assets. As such, given that companies will tend to categorise and record the value of all their tangible assets, actually quantifying the value of any assets that are not recorded on the balance sheet is likely to be very difficult. Bodenhorn (1984) argues that non recorded assets can have a value assigned to them from the future value of the cash flows that they will generate. However, again companies rarely assign cash flows to intangible assets, such as branding, further making this difficult. As such, the analysis and evaluation will need to take on a qualitative nature. Both Lowe’s (, 2008) and Home Depot (SEC, 2008) provide details of cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, and inventory in their current assets, and land, buildings, equipment, leasehold improvements and construction in progress in their fixed assets. However, Lowe’s does not include any trade receivables in their current assets. This could mean that the company does not have any trade receivables, or it could imply that the company is being prudent, and not recognising these receivables until they have been paid. In addition, Lowe’s does not record any goodwill, which could mean that the company has either not made any acquisitions, that it has only paid market value for them, or that it is not recording the goodwill as it does not see it as a reasonable asset: maybe the value of the goodwill will need to be downgraded. Neither company has recorded any asset value for brand value, employee skills and knowledge, or customer loyalty. Whi lst this is in accordance with international accounting standards, it nevertheless fails to acknowledge what could be a significant source of value for the companies (Quick, 2002). In terms of liabilities that are not recorded, the only potential items which may not have been recorded are pension liabilities, with neither company including them as an item of their annual reports. Whilst the FASB issues Statement No 158 in 2007, which made it a requirement for employers to move pension liabilities onto the balance sheet (Miller and Bahnson, 2007a), this requirement may not yet have impacted on these accounts. Other than this, modern accounting standards generally require that all liabilities be kept on balance sheet, hence there are unlikely to be any other liabilities which are not recorded by the balance sheets. 2. Analyze and evaluate the balance sheet for the current value of assets and liabilities. When determining the current value of assets and liabilities, it is necessary to consider both their balance sheet value and their liquidity (Allen and Carletti, 2006). For example, if inventory has to be sold off quickly, it will rarely achieve its full valuation, and items such as goodwill will have no immediate current value. In contrast, banks can often call in loans and other liabilities at their full value. Applying this to the two balance sheets: Cash and cash equivalents can be counted at full value Short-term investments will be counted at 80% of value, to reflect losses and penalties on disposal Receivables will be counted at 90%, as bad debts will likely increase in the event of a quick sale Merchandise inventories will be counted at 20% to reflect the difficulty in disposing of them Other current assets, deferred income taxes, and goodwill will be excluded, as they have no tangible saleable value. Property and associated fixed assets will be counted at 50%. Long term investments and notes will not be counted, as it may not be possible to recover this money in short order. Lowe’s: ItemBook valueCurrent value Cash and cash equivalents281281 Short-term investments249200 Merchandise inventory7,6111522 Deferred income taxes2470 Other current assets2980 Property, less accumulated depreciation21,36110,681 Long-term investments5090 Other assets3130 Total assets30,86912,684 Total liabilities14,77114,771 Net value16,098(2,087) Home Depot ItemBook valueCurrent value Cash and Cash Equivalents445445 Short-Term Investments129 Receivables, net1,2591,133 Merchandise Inventories11,7312,346 Other Current Assets1,2270 Net Property and Equipment27,47613,738 Notes Receivable3420 Goodwill1,2090 Other Assets6230 Total assets44,32417,671 Total liabilities26,61026,610 Net value17,714(8,939) Whilst this analysis is somewhat basic, and the assumptions contained within it have not been rigorously tested, it demonstrates that, in the event that either company’s full liabilities became payable at short notice, both companies could have difficulty raising enough money to cover them. However, this is unlikely as both companies have a significant amount of their liabilities in the form of long term loans, which are unlikely to become due immediately. 3. Analyze and interpret the effect on financial results and ratios of the companies choices of accounting methods and assumptions made under these accounting methods. In accordance with the US GAAP, both companies declare that they use estimates for determining the carrying value of assets and liabilities which cannot be otherwise determined (Miller and Bahnson, 2007b). As such, both companies acknowledge that the value they have applied to some of their assets and liabilities may be different from their actual value, which would depend on the circumstances in which these items were valued. This has had an effect on the financial results because, if the estimated value is incorrect, it will potentially have an impact on profits and net asset values, and hence affect all ratios which depend on these items. Furthermore, the companies have both declared cash and cash equivalents to be made up of actual cash, cash in deposit accounts, and investments with maturity dates of less than three months from the date of purchase. In addition, they have classified payments made by credit or debit card around the time of preparation of the accounts as being cash equivalents, as they will generally be paid within two or three business days. This has impacted on the value of cash and cash equivalents, and also on the value of trade receivables and short term investments. As such, whilst it will not have affected the value of current assets, choosing different criteria would have led to a different value for cash and cash equivalents, and would thus have affected the quick ratio. When recording merchandise inventory, both companies record the value of their inventory at the lower value of the cost to purchase or the market value, based on the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method of inventory accounting. As such, and as demonstrated by Bruns and Harmeling (1991), the value of inventory recorded in the financial accounts will be different than in another method, such as LIFO, was used to calculate the value of the inventory. This will affect the value of current assets, and also of total and net assets, thus affecting the majority of ratios related to the balance sheet. Lowe’s also records an inventory reserve, which is to be used to cover any loss associated with selling off inventory at less than its book value. This reserve will affect the value of inventory, and will also presumably affect the value of cash and cash equivalents if it is made up of liquid investments which are not held as such. As such, this may further affect several of the company†™s ratios. Finally, both companies use the straight line method to depreciate assets over their useful economic lives. As such, they will produce different values for fixed, total and net assets than they would under different methods of depreciation accounting, which will affect most ratios based on these values. 4. Interpret indicators and determine the companies earnings quality. According to Richardson (2003) some of the primary indicators of a poor earnings quality include an increase in trade receivables; a link between growth in earnings and a reduction in the effective tax rate; capitalising interest payments; and a large number of significant one off items. In addition, an positive correlation between cash flow and earnings, as well as a higher gross margin, indicate a high quality of earnings (Bao and Bao, 2004). Applying this to Lowe’s, there are no figures given for trade receivables in either of the past years. This can be taken to indicate that the company is not owed any significant receivables, thus implying a high quality of earnings. Over the past three years, there has been no noticeable change in the tax rate experienced, however, whilst post tax earnings grew from 2006 to 2007, they fell from 2007 to 2008, which may indicate further future falls in earnings. There is no evidence of a capitalisation in interest payments by the company, and nor are there any major one off items, with the profit and loss account remaining fairly consistent from year to year. Gross margin has also consistently increased, going from 34.2% to 34.64%. However, there has been a larger increase in general expenses, which has caused a fall in overall earnings. There has also been an increase in cash flow over the three years, further indicating high earnings quality. Home Depot has experienced a significant fall in trade receivables over the past two years, and has had no significant change in its tax rate. However, its revenues have decreased over the past three years to a much greater degree than Lowe’s. Whilst part of this can be attributed to a fall in sales over the past two years, it is also due to a significant increase in selling and general expenses, which may also threaten earnings quality. Again, there is no evidence of capitalisation of interest payments or of major one off items. However, whilst Lowe’s has grown its gross margin, Home Depot has experienced no changes in margins, and its cash flows from operating have fallen more significantly than its earnings over the past two years. As such, Home Depot appears to have a much lower quality of earnings when compared to Lowe’s. 5. Discuss which of the two companies think produce more reliable financial reporting and discuss which of them you would choose to invest in. You have to use many ratios (the most common ratios), you have not a limited number of ratios to use in your analysis. From the examination of the financial statements discussed above, there does not appear to be much difference between the reliability of the financial reporting methods of both companies. Both companies follow US GAAP regulations and standards, and both appear to interpret the rules in the same way. Both are publicly listed companies, and both sets of accounts include statements that they have followed accounting standards, been audited, and are Sarbanes-Oxley compliant. As such, the main differentiator between the two companies will need to be the ratio analysis of their financial accounts. The ratio analysis, detailed in the appendix below, reveals that both of the companies are very similar in their financial performance, which is probably largely due to the fact that they operate in the same industry and very similar markets. In terms of liquidity, Home Depot has a better current ratio and quick ratio, due to its trade payables. However, Lowe’s has a better operating cash flow, a fact which was commented on in the previous section regarding earnings quality. Home Depot has a higher rate of turnover for all five ratios, indicating that it is better at using its inventory and assets to generate sales, however Lowe’s higher gross margin and net margin (return on sales) indicates that Lowe’s is better at generating profits from these sales. In addition, Lowe’s has a lower debt to equity and debt ratio, as well as higher interest cover, which indicates that Lowe’s is better placed to withstand any falls in revenue and profit, which were also remarked on in the earnings quality section. As such, in conclusion, I would avoid investing in either of these companies based on the current falls in their earnings and the concerns about the wider performance of the US economy (Emerging Markets Monitor, 2008). However, if I were forced to choose between the two companies I would choose to invest in Lowe’s. This is because Lowe’s has shown itself to have better quality earnings, higher margins and lower debt ratios that Home Depot. As such, Lowe’s looks better placed to withstand any earnings shocks or economic issues in the US market and provide sustained long term value. In addition, Lowe’s is not carrying any goodwill or trade receivables on its balance sheet, which makes it less vulnerable to defaults from its debtors and enforced goodwill writedowns. References Allen, F. and Carletti, E. (2006) Mark-to-Market Accounting and Liquidity Pricing. Working Papers Financial Institutions Center at The Wharton School; Preceding p. 1-31. Bao, B. H. and Bao, D. H. (2004) Income Smoothing, Earnings Quality and Firm Valuation. Journal of Business Finance Accounting; Vol. 31, Issue 9/10, p. 1525-1557. Bodenhorn, D. (1984) Balance Sheet Items As The Present Value Of Future Cash Flows. Journal of Business Finance Accounting; Vol. 11, Issue 4, p. 493-510. Bruns, Jr., W. J. and Harmeling, S. S. (1991) LIFO or FIFO? That Is the Question. Harvard Business School Cases; p. 1. Emerging Markets Monitor (2008) US: A Recession In All But Name. Datamonitor Emerging Markets Monitor; Vol. 14, Issue 5, p. 1-2. Higgins, R. C. (1997) Analysis for Financial Management: 5th Edition. Irwin / McGraw Hill. Kohlbeck, M. (2004) Investor Valuations and Measuring Bank Intangible Assets. Journal of Accounting, Auditing Finance; Vol. 19, Issue 1, p. 29-60. Miller, P. B. W. and Bahnson, P. R. (2007a) Pension Accounting. Journal of Accountancy; Vol. 203, Issue 5, p. 36-42. Miller, P. B. W. and Bahnson, P. R. (2007b) Refining Fair Value Measurement. Journal of Accountancy; Vol. 204, Issue 5, p. 30-36. Quick, C. (2002) Can You See The Value? Accountancy; Vol. 130, Issue 1308, p. 47-48. Richardson, S. (2003) Earnings Quality and Short Sellers. Accounting Horizons; 2003 Supplement, Vol. 17, p. 49-61. (2008) Lowe’s Investor Relations. Accessed 15th June 2008. SEC (2008) Home Depot Incorporated: HD. Accessed 15th June 2008. Appendix Ratio Analysis (Higgins, 1997) RatioCalculation methodLowe’sHome Depot Current RatioCurrent Assets1.121.15 Current Liabilities Quick RatioCash + S/T Inv + Receivables0.070.14 Current Liabilities Operating Cash FlowCash Flows from Operations0.560.45 Current Liabilities Inventory TurnoverCost of Goods Sold / Inventory4.154.38 Receivables Turnover Sales / Accounts ReceivablesN/A61.44 Payables TurnoverSales / Accounts Payables13.0014.40 Fixed Asset TurnoverSales / Fixed Assets2.172.61 Total Asset TurnoverSales / Total Assets1.561.75 Debt to EquityTotal Liabilities0.921.50 Shareholders’ Equity Debt RatioTotal Liabilities / Total Assets0.480.60 Interest CoverageProfit before income and tax63.9710.41 Interest Expense Gross Margin(Sales – COGS) / Sales34.64%33.61% Return on SalesNet Income / Sales5.82%5.68% Return on AssetsNet Income / Total Assets9.10%9.92%
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