College essay introductions
Argumentative Paper On The Topic Does Social Media Hinder Or Enhance Relationships
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
In Search of Room-Temperature Superconductors
In Search of Room-Temperature Superconductors Envision a world where attractive levitation (maglev) trains are typical, PCs are exceptionally quick, power links have little misfortune, and new molecule indicators exist. This is the world wherein room-temperature superconductors are a reality. Up until this point, this is a fantasy of things to come, however researchers are nearer than at any other time to accomplishing room-temperature superconductivity. What Is Room-Temperature Superconductivity? A room temperature superconductor (RTS) is a sort of high-temperature superconductor (high-Tc or HTS) that works nearer to room temperature than to total zero. In any case, the working temperature aboveâ 0  °C (273.15 K)â is still well underneath what the vast majority of us think about ordinary room temperature (20 to 25  °C). Beneath the basic temperature, the superconductor has zero electrical opposition and ejection of attractive motion fields. While its a misrepresentation, superconductivity might be thought of as a condition of flawless electrical conductivity. High-temperature superconductors show superconductivity above 30 K (âˆ'243.2  °C). While a conventional superconductor must be cooled with fluid helium to get superconductive, a high-temperature superconductor can be cooled utilizing fluid nitrogen. A room-temperature superconductor, interestingly, could be cooled with normal water ice.â The Quest for a Room-Temperature Superconductor Raising the basic temperature for superconductivity to a reasonable temperature is a sacred goal for physicists and electrical designers. A few analysts accept room-temperature superconductivity is incomprehensible, while others point to progresses that have just outperformed beforehand held convictions. Superconductivity was found in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes in strong mercury cooled with fluid helium (1913 Nobel Prize in Physics). It wasnt until the 1930s that researchers proposed a clarification of how superconductivity functions. In 1933, Fritz and Heinz London clarified the Meissner impact, in which a superconductor removes inward attractive fields. From Londons hypothesis, clarifications developed to incorporate the Ginzburg-Landau hypothesis (1950) and tiny BCS hypothesis (1957, named for Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer). As indicated by the BCS hypothesis, it appeared superconductivity was prohibited at temperatures over 30 K. However, in 1986, Bednorz and Mã ¼ller found the principal high-temperature superconductor, a lanthanum-based cuprate perovskite material with a change temperature of 35 K. The revelation earned them the 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics and opened the entryway for new disclosures. The most elevated temperature superconductor to date, found in 2015â by Mikhail Eremets and his group, is sulfur hydride (H3S). Sulfur hydride has a progress temperature around 203 K (- 70  °C), yet just under amazingly high tension (around 150 gigapascals). Analysts foresee the basic temperature may be raised above 0  °C if the sulfur iotas are supplanted by phosphorus, platinum, selenium, potassium, or telluriumâ and still-higher weight is applied. Nonetheless, while researchers have proposed clarifications for the conduct of the sulfur hydride framework, they have been not able to imitate the electrical or attractive conduct. Room-temperature superconducting conduct has been asserted for different materials other than sulfur hydride. The high-temperature superconductor yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) may get superconductive at 300 K utilizing infrared laser beats. Strong state physicist Neil Ashcroft predicts strong metallic hydrogen ought to be superconducting close to room temperature. The Harvard group that professed to make metallic hydrogen revealed the Meissner impact may have been seen at 250 K. In light of exciton-intervened electron matching (not phonon-interceded blending of BCS hypothesis), its conceivable high-temperature superconductivity may be seen in natural polymers under the correct conditions. The Bottom Line Various reports of room-temperature superconductivity show up in logical writing, so starting at 2018, the accomplishment appears to be conceivable. In any case, the impact infrequently keeps going long and is wickedly hard to recreate. Another issue is that extraordinary weight might be required to accomplish the Meissner impact. When a steady material is created, the most evident applications incorporate the improvement of productive electrical wiring and incredible electromagnets. From that point, anything is possible, undoubtedly. A room-temperature superconductor offers the chance of no vitality misfortune at a useful temperature. The vast majority of the uses of RTS still can't seem to be envisioned. Key Points A room-temperature superconductor (RTS) is a material equipped for superconductivity over a temperature of 0  °C. Its not really superconductive at ordinary room temperature.Although numerous analysts guarantee to have watched room-temperature superconductivity, researchers have been not able to dependably duplicate the outcomes. Be that as it may, high-temperature superconductors do exist, with change temperatures between âˆ'243.2  °C and âˆ'135  °C.Potential uses of room-temperature superconductors incorporate quicker PCs, new techniques for information stockpiling, and improved vitality move. References and Suggested Reading Bednorz, J. G.; Mã ¼ller, K. A. (1986). Conceivable high TC superconductivity in the Ba-La-Cu-O framework. Zeitschrift fã ¼r Physik B. 64 (2): 189â€193.Drozdov, A. P.; Eremets, M. I.; Troyan, I. A.; Ksenofontov, V.; Shylin, S. I. (2015). Ordinary superconductivity at 203 kelvin at high weights in the sulfur hydride framework. Nature. 525: 73â€6.Ge, Y. F.; Zhang, F.; Yao, Y. G. (2016). First-standards exhibit of superconductivity at 280 K in hydrogen sulfide with low phosphorus replacement. Phys. Fire up. B. 93 (22): 224513.Khare, Neeraj (2003). Handbook of High-Temperature Superconductor Electronics. CRC Press.Mankowsky, R.; Subedi, A.; Fã ¶rst, M.; Mariager, S. O.; Chollet, M.; Lemke, H. T.; Robinson, J. S.; Glownia, J. M.; Minitti, M. P.; Frano, A.; Fechner, M.; Spaldin, N. A.; Loew, T.; Keimer, B.; Georges, A.; Cavalleri, A. (2014). Nonlinear cross section elements as a reason for upgraded superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.5. Nature. 516 (7529): 71â€73. Mourachk ine, A. (2004). Room-Temperature Superconductivity. Cambridge International Science Publishing.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Make Canoeing a Fascinating and Exciting Hobby Essay
Step by step instructions to Make Canoeing a Fascinating and Exciting Hobby - Essay Example It is the expectation of the writer that such a nearby degree of conversation and investigation will be valuable not just in helping the peruser to go to a more noteworthy degree of gratefulness concerning the complexities and subtleties of kayaking yet in addition a more noteworthy enthusiasm for the side interest and a craving to go outside and endeavor to ace a portion of these methods on one’s own.Firstly, before going anyplace, it is important to consider the basic sufficiency of the specialty in question.â time and again I have had the incident of beginning an excursion without guaranteeing that everything approved of the craft.â Such a degree of examination can and ought to incorporate an investigation of whether all the gunnels are set up, regardless of whether any holes are available, and whether the art is inflexible enough to take into consideration the developments that are a piece of the procedure of canoeing.â Once this has been found out, it is then concei vable to think about legitimate buoyancy gadgets and guarantee that every single person that will be going on the outing has an actual existence vest that is fit to their requirements, size, and weight. Once every one of these contemplations has been made, it is important to audit whether the people that will be going with the helmsman (a person who is answerable for the security and bearing of the journey) to address whether any of the members are encountering their first time in a canoe.â Such an inquiry isn't only for discussion; rather, it has to do with notice them of the way that a kayak is by definition significantly less steady than different types of watercraft and they ought to be aware of this reality when seated.â Moreover, an admonition not to move around once the art has set out is additionally necessary.â Finally, the quantity of individuals going must be contrasted and the wellbeing recompenses of the art and the general weight restrictions provided.â Once the entirety of this has been finished, it is then suitable to pass out the oars and continue with the outing.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
How to Enter a New Market
How to Enter a New Market HOW TO ENTER A NEW MARKET1. CommitIt is of foremost importance to clearly identify who you will be selling to. This may sound simple, but there is often an overly optimistic need to capture a larger share of a new market. A smaller market will make it easier to assess customer requirements and ensure that a larger chunk of a smaller market is obtained rather than an insignificant part of a large share. It is also imperative to set a clear timeframe within which the desired target share is to be achieved and results of the move are to be assessed.2. Identify Entry PointsOnce a clear market is identified, it is necessary to identify potential points of entry. To minimize initial investment and maximize future revenues it becomes vital to study key possible entrance points, weigh pros and cons of each and then make an informed decision. The final choice should also ideally allow for future growth possibilities, both inside the new market as well as into adjoining ones. Any entrance poin t chosen should be assessed against a set of criteria, such as, does it allow access to an underserved market? Is there a strong need that can be fulfilled? Are the key decision makers among the target audience accessible and do they have the funding needed to find the new solution attractive? Are there any existing competitors and is the new solution strong enough to counter their resources and knowledge of the market?3. Define Market Entry StrategyAll the activity thus far leads right into the roadmap for future steps â€" the strategy for entry into the market. The first step is to price your product. It needs to strike a balance between affordability for the target audience and feasibility for the business. It also needs to take into consideration existing pricing strategies and how to place the new product within them. Once the price points are defined, the new product or solution can now be positioned accordingly. How do you want to be perceived by the customer? With this targe t perception in hand, the communication strategy comes into play, where the target audiences as well as the methods to be used to reach them are identified and consolidated. All levels of the target audience need to be considered carefully, including influencers, decision makers, media, end users among others. And once all this is carefully set in place, the distribution model is designed which is the most effective means of putting the product into the user’s hands.4. Assemble PlanAny strategy needs to be followed up with a detailed action plan. This turns a high level plan into an on-ground implementation solution. This should include details of all required marketing plans and campaigns as well as timelines for all these to be set into motion. Clearly defined milestones such as sales targets, market share etc need to be decided upon with all the key stakeholders. All campaigns and targets need to be communicated to the relevant personnel and clear ownership needs to be assigned for each of these processes to ensure transparency in evaluations. Processes also need to be defined and communicated for all activities such as what will be the sales cycle followed and how will leads be pursued and closed.5. ResearchA well planned approach following the steps above should ensure that your risk is minimized. But to further strengthen and support the plan, some basic research can be carried out on a focus group. Identifying a well-balanced cross section of the target audience and approaching them either in person or via an online survey can help provide some basic results that can provide data to make any changes before a full market entry is committed to.6. TestAnother risk mitigation strategy is to run a pilot project in the target market. This test needs to be carefully defined so as to ensure that it is big enough to give an accurate depiction of a large scale roll out effort but not so big as to suck in additional resources and commitment. By reaching a few ke y milestones in the pilot study, any remaining issues can be ironed out before full deployment.7. Ramping UpYou are now ready for a full scale roll out. Armed with a concrete strategy, a detailed plan of action and results of research and pilot phases, it is now time to grow and try to achieve more market share. The goal should be to target increased market share and not just increased revenues. A focus on market share will mean increasing both marketing and sales efforts simultaneously. As you sell more, the easier it will to sell because there will be more visibility of your brand in the market and general buzz about the new player.8. Exit StrategyThe last but extremely important step of this process is to plan for both success and failure. What will you do if you achieve phenomenal success? You could commit for the long term or sell while you’re ahead and move on to new markets. Or if you fail to achieve the milestones set in the specified time, will you try to learn and contin ue or cut out before further resources and time are wasted. In any case, a timely move can only be made if a plan is already in place.TIPS FOR ENTERING NEW MARKETSWe’ve given you a detailed plan for stepping into new markets. Some additional tips to consider before taking the plunge are:Choosing the right country or region; If your growth efforts are towards a new country or region, identify where the demand is strong and the supply weak. Then pick one country and focus a strong strategy. If you plan to target a region, make sure it is one with a similar culture or languages.Check cost of doing business; Is your new target market mired in unnecessary or exceptionally high taxes? Are there import duties that you need to consider? Are there any hidden costs that may emerge later on? All these need to be factored into the plan for entry and whether you will be able to have a competitive pricing strategy.Know the people; Before stepping into a new market, try to get into the minds of the people you’ll be selling to. What are their tastes? What do they like to buy? How much are they willing to pay for products and services? How do they like to shop?Know the competition; Who is successful and who is just there? Try your best to learn from success as well as failure so you don’t repeat mistakes. If there are too many players already, would it be best to partner up?Choose the right partner; If you do decide on a business model that supports partnering up, make sure that they have the same way of work as you do. Are they to be trusted? Can you rely on them to do business as you would and ensure that your products/services are marketed and provided as they should?Understand the Challenges; Make sure that you approach a new market with the appropriate respect. Don’t assume that the target audience and the environment will behave as you are used to. Instead, approach each issue as an unpredictable entity and keep an open mind towards solutionsKnow the law; Tr y your best to work with local experts in understanding the laws that govern business in your new market. From personnel laws to taxes and custom duties, there are many different factors to know and learnBegin with the right attitude; Begin as you mean to continue with the business. Set up collaborative practices, ensure transparent business and be open to changes in your plans.SUCCESS STORIESFor inspiration and best practices, consider the following examples. Both are large companies, recognized world over. But in entering difficult markets, both did their due diligence to achieve successful footholds in their target region.Huawei Enters IndiaHuawei is second largest supplier of telecommunications equipment in the world. Huawei set out to enter India in 2000. There were several challenges to be overcome. The Indian telecom supplier market was heavily saturated and to make an impact, Huawei needed to separate itself from the rest and create a distinct identity as well as a reputati on for reliability. Historically, Indians have viewed Chinese companies as hard to form relationships with and Chinese made products as subpar and inferior. In addition, China and India have relatively uneasy diplomatic relations.To counter these issues Huawei employed carefully thought out strategies. Contrary to the market view of inferior products, Huawei channels 10percent of its yearly profits into research and development. Given high sales figures, this is a substantial amount. Huawei began establishing its foothold in India by setting up RD and service center facilities in India and hiring predominantly locals to show commitment to creating value for Indians rather than just extracting benefits. India is now Huawei’s second largest research center outside China.In addition to this, Huawei works with local producers at its manufacturing plants in Chennai. Sourcing components locally is cheaper and allows local companies to raise their manufacturing standards to international levels of quality and become more competitive and skilled.Huawei is now working on positioning its smartphones as aspirational products by working with local English Language channels to hold contests and beat the stereotype of a low quality Chinese product. As an employer, the company rewards RD talent and promotes Indians to managerial positions. By establishing a strong research and innovation reputation in India, Huawei can boost its image worldwide.Huawei’s entry into the Indian market is a great point of reference for any company. The lesson to learn is that establishing trust, building and sustaining relationships and showing continuing commitment to the new market can lead to a successful foothold and increased opportunities.Starbucks Enters ChinaStarbucks has a strong presence all over the world. Over the years, the company has developed an internationalization strategy that allows it to enter new countries. Market research plays a key part in Starbucks’ major market e ntrance strategies.In its bid to enter China, Starbucks needed to be as inoffensive as possible to the Chinese culture. Through research it was established that the usual advertising methods may come across as a direct attack on the tea culture that prevails. Instead, stores were opened in busy areas with high traffic and visibility to promote brand recognition. In addition, products were introduced that included tea based ingredients, helping bring together the tea and coffee drinking cultures.Negative views towards elements of capitalism were also a key consideration. Starbucks carefully researched this aspect and discovered that the middle class in China accepts Western brands and luxury items as a means to pursuing a certain lifestyle of quality. The no longer consider these to be signs of over indulgence or decadence and neither do they see it as contrary to nationalism. Major cities in China now rank high in sales of luxury goods and availability of luxury stores.Through marke t research, the company was also prepared for the fact that China is not one similar market. Instead, different strategies were created for different areas. Northern Chinese culture differed substantially from eastern China. Spending power was considerably lower inland as compared to more prosperous coastal cities. This complexity was catered for by establishing partnerships with local companies to ensure successful expansion. This strategy helped Starbucks customize its offering according to regional tastes. Starbucks also understood that western brands are perceived to higher quality than Chinese brands and are therefore seen as premium brands. Through trained Baristas that act as brand ambassadors, the company ensured consistently high service and product quality.Fearing illegal copies of its business model and brand, Starbucks anticipated the need for copyright protection. Within four years of opening its first café, all major trademarks had been registered in China. Any effort to build a copycat enterprise have therefore been unsuccessful.Through an extensive study of a potential new market, Starbucks has perfected the art of localizing a globally recognized brand. A global brand does not have to mean uniform products. Instead, by catering to many different local tastes and preferences, the brand is strengthened and manages to gain a strong, long term foothold in each new market it approaches.LESSONS TO LEARN Once a business is established and thriving in its home market, it is often seen as the right time to branch out into a new market. There is every possibility that the company understands its existing market, its customer base and their requirements and knows how to meet these needs effectively. If the company enjoys strong sales, has great brand awareness and the business is stable overall, it may be the right time to take the plunge.However, as with all new ventures, there are risks attached to this move and it is not a step to be taken lightly. A new market will not be so comfortable and there will be new competitors and unknown threats. The key to success is a disciplined approach with the appropriate level of investment into a thorough market analysis. © | Sergey NivensIn this article, we look at, 1) steps to take when entering a new market, 2) tips for entering a new market, and 3) case studies of companies that have entered new markets successfully.HOW TO ENTER A NEW MARKET1. CommitIt is of foremost importance to clearly identify who you will be selling to. This may sound simple, but there is often an overly optimistic need to capture a larger share of a new market. A smaller market will make it easier to assess customer requirements and ensure that a larger chunk of a smaller market is obtained rather than an insignificant part of a large share. It is also imperative to set a clear timeframe within which the desired target share is to be achieved and results of the move are to be assessed.2. Identify Entry PointsOnce a clear market is identified, it is necessary to identify potential points of entry. To minimize initial investment and maximize future revenues it becomes vital to study key possible entrance poin ts, weigh pros and cons of each and then make an informed decision. The final choice should also ideally allow for future growth possibilities, both inside the new market as well as into adjoining ones. Any entrance point chosen should be assessed against a set of criteria, such as, does it allow access to an underserved market? Is there a strong need that can be fulfilled? Are the key decision makers among the target audience accessible and do they have the funding needed to find the new solution attractive? Are there any existing competitors and is the new solution strong enough to counter their resources and knowledge of the market?3. Define Market Entry StrategyAll the activity thus far leads right into the roadmap for future steps â€" the strategy for entry into the market. The first step is to price your product. It needs to strike a balance between affordability for the target audience and feasibility for the business. It also needs to take into consideration existing pricing strategies and how to place the new product within them. Once the price points are defined, the new product or solution can now be positioned accordingly. How do you want to be perceived by the customer? With this target perception in hand, the communication strategy comes into play, where the target audiences as well as the methods to be used to reach them are identified and consolidated. All levels of the target audience need to be considered carefully, including influencers, decision makers, media, end users among others. And once all this is carefully set in place, the distribution model is designed which is the most effective means of putting the product into the user’s hands.4. Assemble PlanAny strategy needs to be followed up with a detailed action plan. This turns a high level plan into an on-ground implementation solution. This should include details of all required marketing plans and campaigns as well as timelines for all these to be set into motion. Clearly defined mi lestones such as sales targets, market share etc need to be decided upon with all the key stakeholders. All campaigns and targets need to be communicated to the relevant personnel and clear ownership needs to be assigned for each of these processes to ensure transparency in evaluations. Processes also need to be defined and communicated for all activities such as what will be the sales cycle followed and how will leads be pursued and closed.5. ResearchA well planned approach following the steps above should ensure that your risk is minimized. But to further strengthen and support the plan, some basic research can be carried out on a focus group. Identifying a well-balanced cross section of the target audience and approaching them either in person or via an online survey can help provide some basic results that can provide data to make any changes before a full market entry is committed to.6. TestAnother risk mitigation strategy is to run a pilot project in the target market. This te st needs to be carefully defined so as to ensure that it is big enough to give an accurate depiction of a large scale roll out effort but not so big as to suck in additional resources and commitment. By reaching a few key milestones in the pilot study, any remaining issues can be ironed out before full deployment.7. Ramping UpYou are now ready for a full scale roll out. Armed with a concrete strategy, a detailed plan of action and results of research and pilot phases, it is now time to grow and try to achieve more market share. The goal should be to target increased market share and not just increased revenues. A focus on market share will mean increasing both marketing and sales efforts simultaneously. As you sell more, the easier it will to sell because there will be more visibility of your brand in the market and general buzz about the new player.8. Exit StrategyThe last but extremely important step of this process is to plan for both success and failure. What will you do if you achieve phenomenal success? You could commit for the long term or sell while you’re ahead and move on to new markets. Or if you fail to achieve the milestones set in the specified time, will you try to learn and continue or cut out before further resources and time are wasted. In any case, a timely move can only be made if a plan is already in place.TIPS FOR ENTERING NEW MARKETSWe’ve given you a detailed plan for stepping into new markets. Some additional tips to consider before taking the plunge are:Choosing the right country or region; If your growth efforts are towards a new country or region, identify where the demand is strong and the supply weak. Then pick one country and focus a strong strategy. If you plan to target a region, make sure it is one with a similar culture or languages.Check cost of doing business; Is your new target market mired in unnecessary or exceptionally high taxes? Are there import duties that you need to consider? Are there any hidden costs that may emerge later on? All these need to be factored into the plan for entry and whether you will be able to have a competitive pricing strategy.Know the people; Before stepping into a new market, try to get into the minds of the people you’ll be selling to. What are their tastes? What do they like to buy? How much are they willing to pay for products and services? How do they like to shop?Know the competition; Who is successful and who is just there? Try your best to learn from success as well as failure so you don’t repeat mistakes. If there are too many players already, would it be best to partner up?Choose the right partner; If you do decide on a business model that supports partnering up, make sure that they have the same way of work as you do. Are they to be trusted? Can you rely on them to do business as you would and ensure that your products/services are marketed and provided as they should?Understand the Challenges; Make sure that you approach a new market with the appro priate respect. Don’t assume that the target audience and the environment will behave as you are used to. Instead, approach each issue as an unpredictable entity and keep an open mind towards solutionsKnow the law; Try your best to work with local experts in understanding the laws that govern business in your new market. From personnel laws to taxes and custom duties, there are many different factors to know and learnBegin with the right attitude; Begin as you mean to continue with the business. Set up collaborative practices, ensure transparent business and be open to changes in your plans.SUCCESS STORIESFor inspiration and best practices, consider the following examples. Both are large companies, recognized world over. But in entering difficult markets, both did their due diligence to achieve successful footholds in their target region.Huawei Enters IndiaHuawei is second largest supplier of telecommunications equipment in the world. Huawei set out to enter India in 2000. There were several challenges to be overcome. The Indian telecom supplier market was heavily saturated and to make an impact, Huawei needed to separate itself from the rest and create a distinct identity as well as a reputation for reliability. Historically, Indians have viewed Chinese companies as hard to form relationships with and Chinese made products as subpar and inferior. In addition, China and India have relatively uneasy diplomatic relations.To counter these issues Huawei employed carefully thought out strategies. Contrary to the market view of inferior products, Huawei channels 10percent of its yearly profits into research and development. Given high sales figures, this is a substantial amount. Huawei began establishing its foothold in India by setting up RD and service center facilities in India and hiring predominantly locals to show commitment to creating value for Indians rather than just extracting benefits. India is now Huawei’s second largest research center outside Ch ina.In addition to this, Huawei works with local producers at its manufacturing plants in Chennai. Sourcing components locally is cheaper and allows local companies to raise their manufacturing standards to international levels of quality and become more competitive and skilled.Huawei is now working on positioning its smartphones as aspirational products by working with local English Language channels to hold contests and beat the stereotype of a low quality Chinese product. As an employer, the company rewards RD talent and promotes Indians to managerial positions. By establishing a strong research and innovation reputation in India, Huawei can boost its image worldwide.Huawei’s entry into the Indian market is a great point of reference for any company. The lesson to learn is that establishing trust, building and sustaining relationships and showing continuing commitment to the new market can lead to a successful foothold and increased opportunities.Starbucks Enters ChinaStarbucks has a strong presence all over the world. Over the years, the company has developed an internationalization strategy that allows it to enter new countries. Market research plays a key part in Starbucks’ major market entrance strategies.In its bid to enter China, Starbucks needed to be as inoffensive as possible to the Chinese culture. Through research it was established that the usual advertising methods may come across as a direct attack on the tea culture that prevails. Instead, stores were opened in busy areas with high traffic and visibility to promote brand recognition. In addition, products were introduced that included tea based ingredients, helping bring together the tea and coffee drinking cultures.Negative views towards elements of capitalism were also a key consideration. Starbucks carefully researched this aspect and discovered that the middle class in China accepts Western brands and luxury items as a means to pursuing a certain lifestyle of quality. The no longer co nsider these to be signs of over indulgence or decadence and neither do they see it as contrary to nationalism. Major cities in China now rank high in sales of luxury goods and availability of luxury stores.Through market research, the company was also prepared for the fact that China is not one similar market. Instead, different strategies were created for different areas. Northern Chinese culture differed substantially from eastern China. Spending power was considerably lower inland as compared to more prosperous coastal cities. This complexity was catered for by establishing partnerships with local companies to ensure successful expansion. This strategy helped Starbucks customize its offering according to regional tastes. Starbucks also understood that western brands are perceived to higher quality than Chinese brands and are therefore seen as premium brands. Through trained Baristas that act as brand ambassadors, the company ensured consistently high service and product quality. Fearing illegal copies of its business model and brand, Starbucks anticipated the need for copyright protection. Within four years of opening its first café, all major trademarks had been registered in China. Any effort to build a copycat enterprise have therefore been unsuccessful.Through an extensive study of a potential new market, Starbucks has perfected the art of localizing a globally recognized brand. A global brand does not have to mean uniform products. Instead, by catering to many different local tastes and preferences, the brand is strengthened and manages to gain a strong, long term foothold in each new market it approaches.LESSONS TO LEARNThe key to success in a new market therefore seems to be in the correct understanding of what the market is and what the unmet needs are. This knowledge followed by a well-rounded and well researched strategy and action plan may be the difference between success and failure for a business.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Nature Of The Gettysburg Address By Abraham Lincoln
â€Å"The Gettysburg Address†is a speech by the President of United States, Abraham Lincoln, which is one of the best representations of American history. It was produced by Lincoln during the Civil War, on November 19, 1863, at the commitment of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Abraham Lincoln carefully arranges the Address, which was not planned to be as important as other presentations that day; the Gettysburg Address ended up being one of his greatest and most important scripts just over two minutes. Lincoln repeated the equality embraced by the Declaration of Independence, and affirmed the struggle of Civil War fighting over the power from the secession crisis not just for the Union, but also for the principle†¦show more content†¦The South had a larger agriculture than the North by 84%. The southern state had slavery and used them as farm laborers and formed the backbone of the southern economy. In the beginning of the Civil W ar, the northern states had a population of twenty-two million people while the southern states had combined a population of nine million, Union had forces exceeding the Confederates approximately two to one. The railroads were one the most useful tools for the North because they had more tracks on their side, allowing them to transport in a long distance, could load with a lot of cargo, and sent it on a very long way. As such, they became vital for the Army to import supplies of the soldier’s equipment of the Civil War. The North had won the war after four year of conflict. After the South surrendered and the war bankrupted them, the roads, farms, and factories were in ruins, which all but wiped out an entire generation of men. Abraham Lincoln had a dream to make all the troublemakers comes to peace and re-unite with the Union, which would join the nation together again. Abraham Lincoln freed four million slaves and allowed these freed men to join the Union Army, as the war has come to a close. Southern States admitted the Northern States had added the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery, the 14th Amendment the Right of Citizens, the 15thShow MoreRelatedGettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis Essay examples889 Words  | 4 PagesFour and a half months after the Union defeated the Confederacy at the Battle of Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863. He gave the Union soldiers a new perspective on the war and a reason to fight in the Civil War. Before the address, the Civil War was based on states’ rights. Lincoln’s speech has the essence of America and the ideals that were instilled in the Declaration of Independence by the Founders. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
AMPHICAR - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 32 Words: 9492 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? AMPHICAR II System Specifications 1 Statement of work Our team has aimed to produce an energy efficient, environmental friendly personal consumer vehicle that is capable of travelling on road and operating as a fun filled water vehicle. The project idea of AMPHICAR II is to introduce the vehicle to the public; the first prototype will be used in crossing in the English Channel, beating Richard Bransons record set in the Gibbs Aquada. The project background given by AdSing systems engineering, world leaders in revolutionary new system development, has undertaken the challenge of developing a state of the art amphibious vehicle for the consumer market. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "AMPHICAR" essay for you Create order This is defined as the first phase of the project and the budget for this phase is $80000. This phase of the project will be completed in 30 days. After completion of the conceptual design of the AMPHICAR II project, it shall be placed as a proposal put forward by AdSing to independent sub-contractors for further iterations of the system development cycle. For the successful completion of this phase of the project, we will have guided by our tutor (Bill Daniels) who is the systems Engineering Expert. The requirements of the vehicle is achieved by incorporating safety features, capability of travelling on road and water, customer satisfaction, robust design, lower operational cost, and after all the project should be completed within the budget. IEEE 1220 standard specifies the system engineering process and it is primarily targeting our product (Amphicar) oriented system, which defines the inter-disciplinary tasks that are required to our project throughout the lifecycle to transfor m stakeholder (Customer)needs, requirements and constraints in to our product development. Therefore our group has emphasized to bring ideas in brainstorming session and initially conducted a assessment on potential customers before beginning the conceptual design. Here we have the conceptual design of the AMPHICAR project comprises of four different stages namely System engineering and management plan, Systems requirement specification, functional analysis allocations and final stage of system specification. The project planning in fact it refers to SEMP which includes statement of work, work schedule, cost analysis, product testing methods, program management, risk management, resources required, deliverables, etc., System requirements specification stage are identified based on the needs and the project requirements. Functional analysis allocation stage comprises with functional breakdown is done to determine the system physical design overview, functional analysis and component details. At the final stage of system specification, AMPHICAR II project undergoes evalu ation and final documentation. 2. Referenced documents AMPHICAR concept Referred on 06/01/2010 The AMPHICAR Story Referred on 07/012010 IEEE 1220 Standard readings Referred on 09/01/2010 3. Work breakdown structure (this phase of the AMPHICAR project) 3.1 Schedule In fact we have 30days time from 8th January 2010 till 8th February 2010 to complete an attractive high level conceptual design of AMPHICAR II. The Systems specification preparation towards the Amphicar project will be worked in four different stages, under each stage the preparation compiled as draft and submitted through Assign IT on weekly basis. The weekly submission would ensure the timely completion of each stages include the project plan, system requirements specification and the functional analysis allocation and the final systems specification preparation of the AMPHICAR II project to be submitted. The complete details of the schedule can be seen in the Gantt chart on 1. The cost analysis and workout is also shown on Table 1. AMPHICAR II System Specifications 3.2 Cost Sl No. Planned Tasks Budget (S$) No. of hrs Actual Cost (S$) Balance (S$) System Engineering Management Plan 20000 7 days 17850 2150 1 Statement of work 4 500 19500 2 Referenced Documents 6 3000 16500 3 Work Breakdown Structure 3.1 Work Schedule 4 1000 15500 3.2 Cost 12 1500 14000 3.3 Product Testing Methods 15 3500 10500 4 Program Management 8 1750 8750 5 Risk Management 8 1500 7250 6 Resources Required 4 2000 5250 7 Deliverables 4 1250 4000 8 Organizational Structure 4 850 3150 9 Operational Concept 4 1000 2150 Total 20000 73 17850 2150 System Requirement Specification 24000 7 days 20500 3500 10 Scope 10.1 System Overview 6 1500 22500 11 Referenced Documents 5 1250 21250 12 Needs 12 4000 17250 13 Requirements 13.1 General Requirements 8 2000 15250 13.2 System Capability 12 2500 12750 13.3 Safety Requirements 8 2000 10750 13.4 Personnel Related Requirement 8 1750 9000 13.5 Security and Privacy Requirement 10 1500 7500 13.6 Logistics related requirement 12 2500 5000 13.7 Other Requirements 6 1500 3500 Total 24000 87 20500 3500 Table 1 continued. Functional Analysis Allocation 24000 7days 18500 5500 14 Scope 14.1 System Overview 7 1750 22250 14.2 Document Overview 4 1000 21250 15 Referenced Documents 9 2250 19000 16 Functional Analysis 24 4000 15000 17 Physical Design Overview 24 6250 8750 18 Component Details 8 3250 5500 Total 24000 76 18500 5500 Final System Specification 12000 7 days 11250 1750 19 System Description 8 2000 11000 20 Operational Requirements 5 1500 9500 21 Operational Constraints 5 1500 8250 22 System Evaluation 16 3000 4250 23 Final Documentation 12 3250 1000 Total 13000 46 11250 1000 Final Total 80000 282 68100 11900 Table1. Cost Note * 1 day = 8hrs and 5days per week (Monday to Friday) 3.3. Product testing method Product testing method is one of the most important steps in bringing out of our conceptual design of AMPHICAR II Project, which demands the recognition in the future when the product shall complete and reached at the market. The final product here is the AMPHICAR which is capable of travelling both road and water. The intention of the product testing method is to Ensure that the conceptual design of the product meets the design standards for employability, consistency, and user friendliness towards its functionality. Ensure the design meets the business goals and user needs. Ensure the design does not permit any changes at the final stage of its requirements and concept Ensure the behaviour of the system can be easily understood by the design engineers. Make sure that the design provides proper guidance to the designers to resolve any issues that may arise. Make sure that the design shall not distract the copyright of other brand in the global market. Ensure that the design is properly employed by the design engineers which can be easily interacted by the users and other products. Ensure the physical design matches up with the initial art design Ensure the safety features incorporated in the product shall always be enabling and These reviews are carried out at different phases precisely Project plan, system requirement specification, functional analysis and allocation and final system specification. At the end of each and stage a discussion session is made where all the team members and the manager (who assess the detail of design from the sub-system level to the component level), are gathered to review their respective tasks in each phase and the ideas are taken for any necessary changes of any improvement that can be done for bringing the project successful. The assessed document upon the end of each discussion will be sent as a draft to the project who verifies and evaluates the design and make a note to the manager and the team members if changes that are required for the design improvement and further evaluates after getting his job done by the team and approve the design and promote to the next phase. Thus the design of the final system specification is drawn and reviewed by the project director and approve the design for its release 4. Program management Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions within a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, it helps to execute business strategies much more effectively than an uncoordinated approach. The program manager must possess operational competencies, including project management methods and tools, to effectively manage the tactical elements of the program. Another important aspect of this core discipline set is that of becoming proficient in the specific processes and practices of the company that the program manager is a part of. Knowing how things get done, the policies and procedures that must be adhered to and who must be involved and approve various aspects of their program are critical for the successful completion of every program. During the early stages of conceptual design, it is essential that good communication between the producer and the customer be established from the beginning. The Design Engineer must fully understand the user requirements of the product to be designed. This can be achieved only we have a good communication between users. The communication modes used are Teleconference, E-mails, Fax and formal meeting between the project team members and others. Meeting agenda ( 2a) will be formatted for all meetings and distributed to all members before one day. And minutes of meeting ( 2b) are drafted and distributed to all members to follow up. The primary objective of our program management plan is to facilitate the timely integration of numerous design considerations into a functioning and Physical system that will be of high value to the user. Our program management consists of SEMP which already Stated in Gantt chart (System Engineering Management Plan), Statement of work (SOW), Work break down structure, schedule of tasks, Projecting costs for program task and interfacing with other planning activities. Our project has mentioned a configuration management plan to track the changes done from the beginning to the final review. During the later stage of our conceptual design we shall develop a comprehensive system engineering management plan (SEMP) to ensure the implementation of a program that will lead to a well coordinated and integrated product. a program is to exploit economies of scale and to reduce coordination costs and risks. programs deliver outcomes, program management is concerned with doing the right projects according to this view, successful projects deliver on time, to budget and to specification, whereas successful program deliver long term improvements to an organization design of the new product this delivers a design specification, modifications to the production factory Program and project management are both practical disciplines, Program management also emphasizes the coordinating and prioritizing of resources across project. Program management may provide a layer above the management of projects and focuses on selecting the projects, defining us in terms of their objectives and prov iding an environment where projects can be run successfully. Our organizations use the concept of Systems engineering where others use program management, ensure there are regular reviews; there is accountability, and that management of projects, allocation of resources influences the cost and success of the program. Infrastructure might cover offices, version control, and IT. A project must always have a specific end date, else it is an ongoing program. A project is designed to deliver an output or deliverable and its success will be in terms of delivering the right output at the right time and to the right cost. Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions within a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, management includes management of projects which, together, improve the Program management is the mechanism by which the work of various operating functions wit hin a company is integrated to create an effective business model. When program management is properly conceived and executed, performance of the organization. A programs success will be measured in terms of benefits. Program Management comprises a comprehensive suite of services addressing the full program life cycle and implemented by dedicated and highly skilled team members. PMP (Project Management Professional Program management practices put a continual focus on the business aspects of developing products, services and infrastructure. A skilled and competent program manager is the primary business manager on a program. We have Projects Managers that are certified and have decades of experience applying project management techniques and disciplines to client engagements in all industries. During our conceptual design phase we have scheduled a series of formal design reviews at discrete points where the design configuration involves from one level of definition to another. That is conceptual system, evolutions and design reviews. The successful implementation of system engineering principles and concepts is dependent not only on the technology issues and the process, but on management issues as well. Our BLR Engineering prepared a program management plan comprising series review meeting, audits, approval from user, risk managements, and some essential contingency plans. This program management plan guides all over activities throughout the project. 5. Risk management Risk management can therefore be considered the identification of the potential areas of risk. It is a part of the requirements and design stages in a project. Our team of experienced engineers has gone through the assessment and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. One of the first steps of our risk management is the identification of the potential areas of risk. Risk shall include funding, schedule, and contract, relationships, political and technical. All of these hazardous shall be identified and evaluated and risk mitigation performed. Risk analysis should be performed as part of the risk management process for each project. Once a hazard identified as below, the steps of the risk managements process are as follows, Assess the current risk Define the acceptable level of the risk Decision on the response of the risk. Our risk management plan consists of four processes such as 1. Identification 2. Assessment 3. Analysis 4. Controls/Implementation 5. Responsibility As far as concerned about conceptual design process we may have these few types of risk only. Which are? 1. Technical Risk The possibility that technical requirement of the system will not be achieved. That is our design wont meets the system requirements adequately. We have planned to tackle such risk by remedial actions given in the table below 2. Schedule Risk The possibility that the project will fail to meet the scheduled milestones, such as those mentioned in our project plan. To tackle this issue we have identified possible cause and effects and of course the remedial actions to be taken respective 3. Cost Risk The possibility that the project will fail to meet the scheduled milestones and the cost of the project will go up and difficult to meet the budget. These are the probable risk that might be encountered and the contingency plan to overcome in the planning phase: Potential Risk 1 Difficulties in meeting up for our group member to discuss on the project due to different working schedule. Possible Solution to Risk1 Meeting to be done on every Saturday afternoon so the plans can be executed in the weekends before submitting the drafts. Ideally, meeting could also be schedule after 8 pm for a brief update on progress. Potential Risk 2 Group members have difficulties in meeting at convenient venue. Possible Solution to Risk2 Meeting can be done at any National Libraries or APMI campus when not only the environment is convenient for learning Potential Risk 3 Group member/s might fall sick and might not be able to meet for discussion. Possible Solution to Risk3 Work progress should be continually updated through email. Potential Risk 4 Group member/s may face problems in software incompatibility and in data sharing. Possible Solution to Risk4 Group member must work on common PC platform to avoid compatibility issues (e.g. one works on LINUX, and another one works on Mac Operating System and may result in unintended data corruption unable to read or edit documents. Better to work on common platform PC like Microsoft OFFICE and OpenProj for common means of compatibility. Any need of using unfamiliar program must be made known and shared so that each and everyone of the member can learn and use the new program. Potential Risk 5 Anyone of the Group member might encounter risk of data loss or corruption. Possible Solution to Risk5 Group member must regularly backup their data on their PC and must have a secondary means of backup (eg. Thumb drive or external hard drive). Seek advice from Mr. Bill Daniels through the discussion Board provided on course website. Initial Project Risk Assessment SNo Identify Hazard Hazard Assessment Causes Effects Implement / Controls Responsi- bility 1 Budget estimation unlikely 1. Substantial cost increase in the project 1. Source for more economical alternative to control spending. 2. Maintain strict accounting practice. Balaji 2 Unrealistic Projected timeline Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Bad image for team 3. Loss due to time delay Strict to the time frame set for the work schedule and Gantt chart. Balaji 3 Disruption to System Equipment Frequently 1. Loss of Equipment 2. Delay in project 1. Constant backup. 2. Escalate of any unusual encounter. Rakesh 4 Manpower management Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Overload of team member 1. Co-ordinate meeting regularly to delegate task and work discussion. 2. Meeting to be done on Saturday Lakshmanan 5 Group members have difficulties in meeting at convenient venue Likely 1. Delay in project 2. Substantial delay in all phases of the project Meeting can be done at any National Libraries or APMI campus when not only the environment is conducive for learning but laptop user could have access to internet wireless connection. Lakshmanan 6 Face problems in software incompatibility and in data sharing. Likely 1. Delay in document work 2. Delay in project Group member must work on common PC platform to avoid compatibility issues (e.g. one works on LINUX, and another one works on APPLE Operating System and may result in unintended data corruption unable to read or edit documents. Better to work on common platform PC like Microsoft OFFICE and OpenProj for common means of compatibility. Any need of using unfamiliar program must be made known and shared so that each and everyone of the member can learn and use the new program Rakesh 7 Group member might encounter risk of data loss or corruption. Likely 1. Loss of all details and documents. Group member must regularly backup their data on their PC and must have a secondary means of backup (e.g. Hard disk, Thumb drive). Rakesh 8 Vendor and Supplier co-ordination issue. Frequently 1. Delay in project 2. Bad image for team 3. Loss due to time delay Plan early and have back-up resources in the event existing vendor meet constraint. Lakshmanan 9 Having doubt in preparing draft. Frequently 1. Delay in project Seek advice from Mr Bill Daniels through the discussion Board provided on course website. Balaji Lakshmanan Rakesh Table2. Initial Project Risk Assessment 6. Resources required Resources are also a very important in the course of a project development. Availability of the different kinds of resources must be used satisfactorily. It is critical to establish a credible schedule because the timing of activities not only depends on the logical dependencies between them, but also on the availability of the required resources. Our group member has used as many as facilities available to achieve the required satisfaction of the information. The resources we use to accomplish the goal of acquiring the conceptual design of an amphibious car are, Hardware I. Computer To work on the project report development II. Computer peripherals To copy the draft data. To print the draft copy for verification. Software III. Core University 5.0 by Vitech Corporation To have the breakdown of the requirements To display the conceptual design through Flow Functional Block Diagram and Hierarchy Application Packages IV. Microsoft Project Professional 2003 To create schedule for the entire project plan To design the chart for the work task allocation Ensure the time limited for the task is look upon V. Microsoft Word To type the final specification report of the project Facilities VI. Internet media To gain access to the video media regarding amphibious vehicle such as you tube To search related information regarding amphibious vehicle To gain access to the related websites To have communication with the project supervisor To have a convenient place to discuss the project development matters The usage of this media is vastly great VII. Money/Time Funds To have food/refreshments for members attending discussion for the entire project plan Towards the expenses like photocopying, phone calls, printing / copying To have transport facilities To make free ourselves on the discussion planned days. 7 Deliverables For our projects deliverables are the stuff/function that can be the result for the task implementation, it consists of things or stuff such as presentation (MSPowerpoint Slideshows), documentation requirements, total design documentation etc. The documents as deliverables used here are namely the System Engineering Management Plan, System Requirement, Functional Analysis and Allocation, and Final System Specification. System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) This plan consists of the Scope of the Project, Work Breakdown Structure as Schedule, Cost and Product Testing method, Operation concept. It has to be executed in such a way to get the best result by assigning individual task to the respective team members thereby lead the project together with proper planning to bring the required outcome. System Requirements and Specifications (SRS) This emphasise the task that determines the needs for the product, users, designers, system and subsystems. It identifies the needs of each stakeholder. Functional Analysis and Allocation (FA A) This transforms the system level requirement into functions and analyse the behaviour of the system to get the desired result. And these functions are allocated into a physical design (component level). It can be seen in detail through Functional flow block diagram. Final system specification This document comprises all the above three documents which seeks approval from the Project director for the release of the design to Production. 8. Organisational structure We believe on team work, so at all phases the task has been evenly distributed to our team members according to their role. The process flow is as follows, getting the instruction from project director the task has been distributed to the Project Design engineer by the Project manager and also the whole project is monitored by the Project director. 9. Operational Concept The world is in needs of better and more effective and efficient vehicle that could save money, earth, resources and time of travelling which will be having the various good features when operates in both the environments. Keeping that in mind our Engineering team with the engineering skills would like to design an amphibious vehicle having capable of travelling both in road and water. i.e user friendly navigation system safety protection which will meet the customer needs as customer is mainly dependent on the effective and efficient transportation to commute in his day to day life. As the name goes, the designed Amphibious Car having the capability to travel both on land and on water promises to be more environmental friendly than any other amphibious car compared to existing or future market .The idea behind this is from the automobile researchers who have been done and many have succeeded but unable to market the vehicle as it still needs more work has to be done. Some engineers also did research beyond their imagination but some have succeeded and some are still a long way. The conceptual design of amphibious vehicle will be aimed to provide comfortable journey, trouble free service, energy efficient and environment friendly with Safety features for the customers and the features include well designed with double secured protection against water leak and corrosion of vehicles body parts by using the anti corrosive materials and fail safe controls , fuel efficient, operating at an economical way by giving good mileage and the vehicle would be engineered in way of reducing carbon dioxide emission and reducing pollution to Mother Nature as analysed by our expert engineers it would also benefit the market as a new breed of automobile needs many suitable workshop and fuel station. The vehicle has a robust designed in such a way it is very compatibility for both the conditions either it is in water or on the land. The vehicle will be operated as a boat when in water and navigation system made easy during high tides water currents and during windy seasons. The vehicle will be like normal cars when it operates on the road. The design of the bigger wheels will be providing a better ride in terrain, mud and snow and excellent traction capability with 4 gear power transmission and will provide excellent driving experience. The Vehicle will be designed to have a sportive external look. The look and feel of the designed vehicle is such that it would posses pleasant Interior colours , leg rooms spacious comfortable seatings and incorporating entertainment systems which ensures smooth and comfortable rides both on land and water. The vehicle would be cost effective under long run as the he vehicle has been designed in a way that would have less maintenance. The rugged a nd robust design assures reliability of the vehicle. The vehicle will equipped with a spare tyre and necessary tools. Our team has scheduled the conceptual design tasks and our expertise will fulfil every aspect of the customer requirement in terms of operational, maintenance and service needs and to make it big success in the market. 1. Scope 1.1 System overview Our project Amphicar II as the name suggests the vehicle is designed such that is viable both on land and water. It is a sports convertible full rear seat, well designed family size customer vehicle taking into account for the complete luxury as well as the safety of the customer. Customer can plan to drive right off a road or beach onto any lake or river as it is not only a luxurious car once on land but safely floats on water also because the bottom of the vehicle consists of rubber seals which forms a watertight seal. Some of the key design specification of the Amphicar II are: Its proficient 4 cylinder engine has 4 speed auto transmission forward speeds, Front wheels act as twin rudders for fast responsive handling, rear mounted for superior traction on the road, fitted with accelerator control system making the vehicle to run fuel economically both in road and water fitted with 2 rear lamps each and inbuilt side indicators, Speed O meter (digital) to display the cars speed, Coming to the functional aspect of the Amphicar II, once the doors are checked to be closed the customer can just drive into the water edge, and once when the car is into water, the customer is required to put land gear into neutral and then can use the facilities of the propeller or Amphibian jet by engaging it with the smaller stick which has three positions forward, neutral and reverse. Although virtually it is identical to the rest of the Amphibious vehicles, our Amphicar II distinct itself from other late models by having some of the technologies like heater placement, shock mountings, lower body lip and dash treatment and most importantly safety aspect is also considered like emergency rescue equipments and just like any other boats its fully complemented with all the essential maritime equipment like water navigation lights, walkie talkie and an electric pump to expel leak aboard. Our full fledged Amphicar II aims to be tested at the nearest lake side water located in Singapore which provides a chance for the customer to witness our product which also helps us modifying against the Customer requirements if required accordingly The overall Amphicar II project shall be sponsored by Duck Tours Singapore Tourism board. We are confident that this shall provide them a very good public advertisement ensuring the tourism sector remains competitive by allowing the foreigners to visit west side of Singapore and hence making a key contributor to the economy in the years to come. And the responsibility of development of the Amphicar II shall be by Jatin Marine Corporation Ltd since Marine industry of Singapore is handled well by them over period of time and they have potential to progress in engineering and as well as the project from the technical point of view. 1.2 Document overview Requirement analysis is an important key for the success of any development project and it encompasses the task which goes in determining the needs of the product, taking in account of the requirements of the stakeholders such as beneficial of the users. Taking that into account, this document features the following steps in the system requirement process for Amphicar II Identifying and proper analysing of the possible conflicting requirements of the stakeholders and gathering them into the need of the requirement analysis Understanding the Business Requirement followed by defining the process model. Technical approach for the gathered and understood system design including the maintenance concept for the product (Amphicar II) Reviewing the prioritized technical performance measures and other related criteria Checking the functional specification which describes systematically how the Consumer (customer) will use the application project. Towards privacy of the design of Amphicar vehicles future developments, this document shall be Strictly Confidential within the Manufacturer. This document is sensitive enough hence to avoid complications or design copyright issues, document is fully secured with in house policy deployment. 2. Referenced documents v How AMPHICAR works Referred on 18/01/2010 v Car design and Testing guide Referred on 17/01/2010 v Federal motor vehicle safety standards Referred on 18/01/2010 v Propeller design selection information by Yamaha Referred on 21/01/2010 v How Aquada works Referred on 21/01/2010 v System safety requirements Referred on 21/01/2010 v A reference of Amphicar technical Specification Referred on 21/01/2010 v A demonstration of Amphicar Operation Referred on 22/01/2010 v A Short course on Automobile Brake system Referred on 22/01/2010 v Australian Motor Standard Act 1989$file/MotorVehiclesStandards1989.pdf Referred on 20/01/2010 3. Needs The needs for the Amphicar II project are as follows and it is categorised in seven different needs. The each need in the attribute has a unique identifier number where these identifiers are to be used as the reference for the requirement document and subsequent documents. General needs: 3.1.1 The Amphicar need to travel on both land and water 3.1.2 The Amphicar needs to perform of at least 90% of efficiency while the vehicle travelling in water. 3.1.3 The vehicle need to fulfil Australian motor design standard act 1989 3.1.4 The vehicle need to be fitted with the Speed-O-meter (digital) to display the cars speed 3.1.5 The vehicle need to be fitted with 2 rear lamps each and inbuilt side indicators 3.1.6 The Amphicar need to be fitted with rear viewing mirror which tilting of at least 120oDegrees 3.1.7 The Amphicar need to be fitted with 2 head lights where halogen lamps preferred. 3.1.8 The vehicle need to use under any weather conditions which may varies between -40oC to +70oC 3.1.9 The vehicle need to be fitted with accelerator control system which runs the vehicle at fuel economy both in road and water 3.1.10 The vehicle need to be fitted with at least two propellers or amphibian jet which mounted at the rear of the vehicle to steer in water System capability Need:- 3.2.1 The vehicle need to be equipped with 4 speed auto transmission gears with bidirectional controls for steering in road. 3.2.2 The vehicle need to be equipped with 2 speed auto transmission gears with bidirectional controls for steering in water. 3.2.3 The vehicle need to be equipped with steering control system which ensures the safe operation in water too 3.2.4 The vehicle need to be equipped with fuel tank of capacity not exceeding 75litres of standard size 3.2.5 The vehicle needs to be operated with a speed of 100mph in road (Max), at an acceleration of 0 60mph in less than 10 seconds 3.2.6 The vehicle need to be operated with a speed of 30mph in water or 20Knots (Max) and accelerate to a plane in 5seconds 3.2.7 The engine capacity need of at least a power of 175hp, 2.5ltr, 24valve engine. 3.2.8 The Amphibian jet weighs not more than 100 pounds 3.2.9 The Amphicar need to weighs not more than 300 pounds and length not more than 40 inches 3.2.10 The Amphicar need to be equipped with the Automobile rechargeable 12V DC maintenance free alkaline battery. Safety Needs 3.3.1 The vehicle need to be fitted with braking systems 3.3.2 The vehicle need to be fitted with brake hold latch system 3.3.3 The vehicle need to protect the car under leakage and corrosion while travelling in water 3.3.4 The vehicle need to provide the seating system safety (Safety seat belt etc,) 3.3.5 The Amphicar need to be door less design which overcomes the problem with the doors while travelling in water 3.3.6 The every component of the Amphicar need to be tested under extreme conditions which undergone not less than 1500 hours of salt spray test towards the corrosion. 3.3.7 The lower parts of the Amphicar need to be coated with special chemical which combat against sinking while Amphicar travels in water 3.3.8 The Amphicar need to be undergone for float tests of 1000 hours under extreme conditions. 3.3.9 The Amphicar need to be fitted with first aid kit in accordance with the safety standards 3.3.10 The Amphicar need to have life saving jackets of at least for the 4 occupants (Max) Personnel Related Needs 3.4.1 The vehicle needs to provide the seating arrangement of at least 4 individuals 3.4.2 The vehicle needs to be capable of withstanding of at least 1ton of capacity to accommodate obese people. 3.4.3 The vehicle need to be fitted with 2 wipers at front glass comfortable driving when rainy. Security and Privacy Needs 3.5.1 The vehicle needs to be equipped with anti theft prevention 3.5.2 The vehicle need to be equipped with the wireless key controller. 3.5.3 The vehicles driving controls, navigational system and other displays shall be fitted privately to the car driver. Logistics Related Needs 3.6.1 The vehicle need to be competent in travelling road on high abrupt roads. 3.6.2 The Amphicar engine need also be fitted with the Amphibians jet, which shall expel not less than 1 ton of thrust where it is the force needed to plane in water. 3.6.3 The vehicle needs to be comfortable enough while travelling on both road and water by fitting the hand grips, resting pads, Audio player, etc., 3.6.4 The vehicle needs to be fitted GPS (Road map) navigational system for secure travel. 3.6.5 The vehicle needs to be less noisy and pollution free and totally it must be environmental friendly. Other Needs 3.7.1 The vehicle need to be given with the manufacturer identification. 3.7.2 The vehicle need to be given a unique vehicle identification number 3.7.3 The vehicle need to be provided with vehicle in use inspection standards 3.7.4 The vehicle need to be provided warning devices when travelling and at time of parking. 3.7.5 The vehicle need to be capable to follow the Automobile average Fuel economy standard. 4. Requirements 4.1 General Requirements Requirement Identifier: 4.1.1 Requirement: The Amphicar vehicle must able to float in water, successfully transition from land to water and vice-versa. Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.1 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.1.2 Requirement: The Amphicar shall have the efficiency of at least 90% when travelling in water Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.2 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.1.3 Requirement: The Amphicar vehicle must comply with Australian motor design standard act 1989. Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.3 Verification Method: Demonstration Simulation Requirement Identifier: 4.1.4 Requirement: The vehicle shall be provided the Speed display unit with a range of 0-250 Km/hr in accordance with Standard No. 101 Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.4 Verification Method: Demonstration Requirement Identifier: 4.1.5 Requirement: The Amphicar shall be fitted 2 rear lamps of 100lumens each with the side indicators Standard No. 108 Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.5 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.1.6 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted with rear viewing mirror in accordance with Standard No. 111 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.1.6 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.1.7 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted with 2 Front headlights of 250lumens Standard No. 108 Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.7 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.1.8 Requirement: The vehicle shall use under any weather conditions which may varies between -40oC to +70oC Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.8 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.1.9 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted with accelerator control system which runs the vehicle at fuel economy both in road and water in accordance with Standard No. 124 Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.9 Verification Method: Simulation Requirement Identifier: 4.1.10 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted with at least two propellers or amphibian jet which mounted at the rear of the vehicle to steer in water. Priority: High Traceability: 3.1.10 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis 4.2 System Capability Requirements Requirement Identifier: 4.2.1 Requirement: The vehicle shall be equipped with 4 speed auto transmission gears with bidirectional controls for steering in road in accordance with MIL-STD-641D Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.1 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.2.2 Requirement: The vehicle shall be equipped with 2 speed auto transmission gears with bidirectional controls for steering in water in connection with MIL-STD-641D Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.2 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.2.3 Requirement: The vehicle shall comply with Standard No. 203 towards steering control system which ensures the safe operation in water too. Priority: High Traceability: 3.2.3 Verification Method: Simulation Requirement Identifier: 4.2.4 Requirement: The vehicle shall be equipped with fuel tank of capacity not exceeding 75litres of standard size as given by FTC-1001 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.4 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.2.5 Requirement: The vehicle shall be operated with a speed of 100Kmph in road (Max), at an acceleration of 0 60Kmph in less than 10 seconds Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.5 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.2.6 Requirement: The vehicle shall be operated with a speed of 40Kmph in water or 15Knots (Max) and accelerate to a plane in 5seconds. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.6 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.2.7 Requirement: The engine capacity of not more than power 175hp, 2.5ltr, 24valve engine. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.7 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.2.8 Requirement: The Amphibian jet weighs not more than 100 pounds Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.8 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.2.9 Requirement: The Amphicar shall weighs not more than 300 pounds and length not more than 40 inches Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.9 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.2.10 Requirement: The Amphicar shall be equipped with Automobile rechargeable 12V DC maintenance free alkaline battery. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.10 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation 4.3 Safety Requirements Requirement Identifier: 4.3.1 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted with braking systems in accordance with Standard No. 105 Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.1 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.3.2 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted with brake hold latch system in accordance with Standard No. 113 Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.2 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.3.3 Requirement: The vehicle shall protect the car under leakage and corrosion while travelling in water in conformance with MIL-STD-810 Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.3 Verification Method: Simulation Requirement Identifier: 4.3.4 Requirement: The vehicle shall provide the seating system safety (Safety seat belt etc.,) as per Standard No. 209 Standard No. 210 Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.4 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.3.5 Requirement: The Amphicar must be door less design which overcomes the problem with the doors while travelling in water Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.5 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.3.6 Requirement: The every component of the Amphicar shall be tested under extreme conditions which undergone not less than 1500 hours of salt spray test towards the corrosion. Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.6 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.3.7 Requirement: The lower part of the Amphicar shall be coated with special chemical which combat against sinking while Amphicar travels in water Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.7 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.3.8 Requirement: The Amphicar shall be undergone for float tests of 1000 hours under extreme conditions. Priority: High Traceability: 3.3.8 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.3.9 Requirement: The Amphicar shall be fitted with first aid kit in accordance with the safety standards. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.3.9 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.3.10 Requirement: The Amphicar shall have life saving jackets of at least for the 4 occupants (Max) Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.3.10 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis 4.4 Personnel Related Requirements Requirement Identifier: 4.4.1 Requirement: The vehicle shall provide the seating arrangement of at least 4 individuals as per Standard No. 207 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.4.1 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.4.2 Requirement: The vehicle shall be capable of withstanding of at least 1ton of capacity to accommodate obese people. Priority: Low Traceability: 3.4.2 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.4.3 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted with 2 wipers at front glass in compliance with Standard No. 104 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.4.3 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis 4.5 Security Privacy related Requirements Requirement Identifier: 4.5.1 Requirement: The vehicle shall be equipped with anti theft prevention in compliance with Federal motor standard Part 541 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.5.1 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.5.2 Requirement: The vehicle shall be equipped with the wireless key controller. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.5.2 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.5.3 Requirement: The vehicles driving controls, navigational system and other displays shall be fitted privately to the car driver. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.5.3 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis 4.6 Logistics Related Requirements Requirement Identifier: 4.6.1 Requirement: The vehicle shall be competent in travelling road on high abrupt roads. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.6.1 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.6.2 Requirement: The Amphicar engine shall also be fitted with the Amphibians jet, which shall expel not less than 1 ton of thrust where it is the force needed to plane in water. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.2.8 Verification Method: Demonstration, Analysis Calculation Requirement Identifier: 4.6.3 Requirement: The vehicle shall be comfortable enough while travelling on both road and water by fitting the hand grips, resting pads, Audio player, etc., Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.6.3 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.6.4 Requirement: The vehicle shall be fitted GPS (Road map) navigational system for comfortable travel. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.6.4 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.6.5 Requirement: The vehicle shall be less noise and pollution and totally it must be environmental friendly. Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.6.5 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis 4.7 Other Requirements Requirement Identifier: 4.7.1 Requirement: The vehicle shall be given with the manufacturer identification as per Part 566 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.7.1 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.7.2 Requirement: The vehicle shall be given a unique vehicle identification number as per Part 565 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.7.2 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.7.3 Requirement: The vehicle shall be provided with vehicle in use inspection standards as per Part 570 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.7.3 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.7.4 Requirement: The vehicle shall be provided warning devices when travelling and at the time of parking in compliance Standard No. 125 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.7.4 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis Requirement Identifier: 4.7.5 Requirement: The vehicle shall be capable to follow the Automobile average Fuel economy standard as per Part 570 Priority: Medium Traceability: 3.7.5 Verification Method: Demonstration Analysis 1.1 System Overview Amphicar II is a Amphibious car well designed for commercial purpose. As the name suggests this vehicle can travel both on land and on water operating at a speed of 100mph in road (Max), at an acceleration of 0 60Kmph in less than 10 seconds,40Kmph in water or 15Knots (Max) and accelerate to a plane in 5seconds respectively. It behaves as a luxurious family car on land and once on water the front wheel steers into the water and when it sub-merges into the water, the wheels that are attach to the car will be retract with the help of a push button. Once the wheels have been successful retracted, it adds swiftness and mobility to the vehicle, thus enhance the overall performance and efficiency. The door get sealed up by the two rubber strips which work similar to refrigerator door seals and once the vehicle need to be moved or change the direction second gear lever can be used which controls the propeller frontward or backward, and this vehicle is designed such that it can stay inside the water without leakage for many hours. The design specification of the Amphicar II are: Its proficient 4 cylinder engine has 2 speed auto transmission forward speeds, Front wheels act as twin rudders for fast responsive handling, rear mounted for superior traction on the road, fitted with accelerator control system making the vehicle to run fuel economically both in road and water fitted with 2 rear lamps each and inbuilt side indicators, Speed O meter (digital) to display the cars speed, Some of the technologies like heater placement, shock mountings, lower body lip and dash treatment and most importantly safety aspect is also considered like emergency rescue equipments and just like any other boats makes Amphicar II distinct than the other modes and It is fully complemented with all the essential maritime equipment like water navigation lights, walkie talkie and an electric pump to expel leak aboard Our full fledged Amphicar II aims to be tested at the nearest lake side water located in Singapore which provides a chance for the customer to witness our product which also helps us modifying against the Customer requirements if required accordingly. The overall Amphicar II project shall be sponsored by Duck Tours Singapore Tourism board. We are confident that this shall provide them a very good public advertisement ensuring the tourism sector remains competitive by allowing the foreigners to visit west side of Singapore and hence making a key contributor to the economy in the years to come. And the responsibility of development of the Amphicar II shall be by Jatin.Corp Marine Ltd since Marine industry of Singapore is handled well by them over period of time and they have potential to progress in engineering and as well as the project from the technical point of view. The maintenance of this Amphicar II is more than a car but not much more than 4WD which is used off road. We can get any car mechanic to maintain this car. 1.2 Document Overview This document features the following steps in the system requirement process for Amphicar II Identifying and proper analysing of the possible conflicting requirements of the stakeholders and gathering them into the need of the requirement analysis like Each key attached to the vehicle is unique, in the event if the key is lost, Original key can be requested from the main distributor. The vehicle will not start if the wrong set of key is used. The car is only calibrated to work with the original key. In this way, the security of the car is enhanced. Amphicar II has an excellent road grip, and can apply sudden brakes once inside water 2. Referenced Documents This section shall list the number, title, revision, and date of all documents referenced in this specification. Car Maintenance tips Referred on 27.01.2010 Aerodynamics Basics Referred on 27.01.2010 Aqua dynamics Basics Referred on 26.01.2010 System Engineering and Management Plan Referred on 23.01.2010 Systems Requirement Specification Referred on 23.01.2010 AMPHICAR II System Specifications 1.2 3. Functional Analysis A Functional Hierarchy Based on the targets given by AdSing Systems engineering and the paradigm requirements (which are given in SRS), the functional analysis of the amphibious car has been done. The identified functions are decomposed in the sub-functions, the detailed functional hierarchy of these functions and sub functions are arranged below. The Functional Flow block diagram of the identified functions is also represented below. In fact the flow between the identified functions is given below, provides the sequence of functions on conditional basis. For example the land transportation and water transportation system must be in good condition at all times. Any one system failure will results in purpose of the vehicle will not be reached. So interlock between these 2 systems is essential. Traceable requirement Identifier land transportation 1.1.1 4.1.1 1.1.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 1.1.3 4.2.3 water transportation 1.2.1 4.2.6 1.2.2 4.1.9 1.2.3 4.1.10 1.2.4 4.2.6 Maintenance Aspects 1.3.1 4.2.5 1.3.2 4.3.6 1.3.3 4.2.7 1.3.4 4.2.10 Optimum performance 1.4.1 4.2.5 1.4.2. 4.2.6 1.4.3 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.6.3 1.4.7 4.1.8 safety 1.5.1 4.3.2 4.3.4 1.5.2 4.3.1 1.5.3 4.3.9 4.6.5 security 1.6.1 4.5.1 4.5.3 1.6.3 4.5.2 Logistics 1.7.1 4.6.1 1.7.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 Table3 Traceability of functional Analysis 67 AMPHICAR II System Specifications 1.3 4. Physical Design 4.1 Physical Overview Physical hierarchy The breakdown of the system into its subcomponents and its relevance where it is related to other components are given as below, 4.2 Component Details According to their function, the components classification is given in section 4.1. The below section describes briefly of these components attributes and the functions it performs 4.2.1 Land Transportation System The main part of this vehicle is to move in land first before it is used in water transport and here it is very important that it is responsible to move the passengers and luggage to the required destination. This vehicle standard shall comply Australian vehicle design rules. This system component can be classified as Automobile engine, Power steering, Radiator for engine cooling, and aero dynamic design. Automobile Engine :- It provides the vehicle to move on road by driving force the wheels, which is also responsible for pollution free (less CO emissions and noise) and effectively conserves the fuel (Unleaded Petrol) or this engine may be replaced with the Electric powered machine to maintain eco-friendliness. Radiator :- It is responsible for cooling the engine and basically it is liquid cooling. Power Steering : It controls the direction vehicles movement. Also it reduces the effort needed to steer as compared with normal steering. Aero Dynamic Design : It allows the vehicle to have less air resistance and improves the cars performance and mileage or fuel conservation. 4.2.2 Water Transportation System The next of the vehicle Is to travel on the water, where it first float perfectly and then with the help of the Amphibian jet the car must move in the water. Here the thrust of the jet is sufficient enough to move the vehicle mass. The responsible of the system is to carry the passenger and the materials to their destination by which this systems components are Amphibian jet, Wheel retraction system, floating capabilities, and Aqua dynamics. Amphibian Jet : The thrust of the jet is required that it shall expel not less than 1 ton where it is the force needed for the vehicle to move in water. Wheel Retraction System :- This system has much responsible and helps the vehicle to move in to water at rated speed, at the time of propulsion the four wheels are retracted to its home position which helps to the car to move Floating capability :- When the car move in to the water from land, its first mission is to float in the water perfectly. To make happen the body of the car (bottom) must be especially chemical coated and the design of the car must be door less and the relevant features make it happen to float. Aqua Dynamics :- The design standard is responsible for floating and moving the car in water and with the body and the amphibian jet and whose ultimate aim is to travel in water with ease and for the purpose of leisure. 4.2.3 Maintenance Aspects Superior Quality engine :- The quality of the engine helps the vehicle at any conditions the vehicle shall perform to benchmark of the requirement. And hence it reduces the breakdown maintenance by increasing the MTTF (Mean time to failure) and decreasing the MTBF (Mean time between failures). Waterproof Battery :- The water proof battery is responsible for the ignition system, trouble free working at the time of engine starting. Improved Efficiency engine :- The efficiency of the engine must same at all times when it travel on road or water and also try when it run in abrupt roads. Residual buoyancy :- This gives protection against sinking of the car while travelling on the water. 4.2.4 Optimum Performance Acceleration :- The system must perform well on both road and water and which ensures the vehicle movement from standstill. At the same time it shall also consider on the fuel conservation, before the fuel send to the combustible chamber of the engine it must be fitted with the regulator. Usually it shall be specified as the speed with respect to time. Power drive:- The car engine shall have the capacity of maximum BHP, by it gives the full torque required when it travels in abrupt roads. It also shows the driving capacity of the car to handle the different passengers and with the loaded materials in the storage compartment. Perfect transformation :- While switch over from land travel to water, the transformation of gear mechanism shall be perfect which ensures the cars capability to travel on both land and water. Leisure :- The purpose of the car is defined as for leisure and hence it shall fulfil all the necessary requirements in the car like portable car audio system which plays the multiple format of audio songs it should be water proof and also equipped with the mini gaming console like Sony PSP etc. Works at any weather conditions :- This Amphicar must be capable of withstanding and working with any weather conditions. With its ignition system shall always be active at all times 4.2.5 Safety Accident Protection :- Amphicar II are commonly powered by on-board battery packs, and as such are the automakers were widely accused of deliberate self-sabotage, failing to adequately promote their AMPHI CAR II in order to create the false impression that consumers, the use of helmets and seat belts at a 45 angle in Amphicar. They created the inertial reel and the concept of the instrument panel. Braking System :- The most common automotive uses of master cylinders are in brake and clutch systems. In brake systems, the operated devices are cylinders inside of brakes, these cylinders may be called wheel cylinders or slave cylinders, The cylinder is a control device that converts non-hydraulic pressure. The hydraulic pressure created by moving a piston (inside the bore of the master cylinder) toward the slave cylinder(s) compresses the fluid evenly displacement applied to each slave cylinder First aid :- First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by a lay person to a sick or injured Oxygen first aid has been used as an emergency treatment for diving injuries for years The success of recompression therapy as well as Emergency medical services may also be locally known as: first aid squad, emergency squad, rescue squad, ambulance squad, ambulance service, ambulance corps or life squad. Environmental Considerations :- Engines are usually run on fossil fuel propellant, and are thus a source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Jet engines can use Bio fuels or hydrogen, although the production of the latter is usually made from fossil fuels. Jet engines are usually very reliable and have a very good safety record. However, failures do sometimes occur. The water jet offered several other advantages over propellers for a wide range of vessel types, and as such water jets are used widely today for many high speed vessels including passenger ferries, rescue craft, patrol boats and offshore supply vessels. Water proof System :- Navigation improvements, weirs and locks are used together. A weir will increase the depth of a shallow stretch. Amphibious car travelling over water (in which case they consist of a pair of air cells (bladders) that can be inflated by triggering the release of carbon dioxide gas from a canister one canister for each separate cell. Or the cells can be inflated Orally that is by blowing into a flexible tube with a one-way valve to seal the air in the cell. Lifejackets must also be supplied on seafaring vessels, accessible to all crew and passengers and to be donned in an emergency. 4.2.6 Security Anti Theft System :- This system enables the owner of the car against the theft, in fact it shall be arise the alert sound when unknown person touches the car or if the car misplaced by its original location, it will send the details about the new location to the owner of the car by sending messages to mobile phone etc.., Communication :- The car may be with mechanical failures or troubles, under certain circumstances this system helps out in giving the alarm to the outside people, also it enabled with the automatic alert to the passengers. Unforeseen situations it has to be informed to the rescue team especially while travelling in the water. Remote locking system :- The system helps the passenger to lock the car doors remote (wireless) with ease towards the comfort of the passenger. 4.2.7 Logistics Good Accommodation :- At least 4 persons need to seated in the car, the seats are adjustable type and also water proof in nature, altogether this particular shall be responsible for leisure travel. GPS Navigation :- While travelling in land or water the navigation system plays a important role by giving the direction and location details of the place it is needed to complete the travel. When travelling in water it shall also gives the information about depth. Storage :- While travelling, the needs by the passengers like food items, groceries, clothes, maintenance tool box kit are to be stored in a designated location called compartment, and this shall also be water proof. Competent in Abrupt roads :- At the time travel and especially when travelling in new places where the road conditions are also taken in account and hence the requirement of the car here is, it shall have the competency in travelling those places without any breakdown or minor failures.
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